A pure Python3 automated tool suite for camera App testing, using pytest3+uiautomator2+allure2
Analyse memory/crash of camera app testing
- ruff format --silent --config line-length=128 *.py
- python3 -m black --line-length=128 --skip-string-normalization --skip-magic-trailing-comma *.py
- python3 -m flake8 --jobs 4 --max-line-length=128 --indent-size=4 --extend-ignore=W191,E101,E203,E265,E266,E501,F401 --statistics *.py
- pylint --jobs 4 --max-line-length={} --indent-after-paren=4 *.py
- python3 -m mypy --check-untyped-defs *.py
- pytest
- uiautomator2
- allure2
- numpy
- pandas
- scipy
- retry
- pylint
- ruff
- mypy
- procrank
- what is the best way of implementing singleton in python
analyse memory/crash of camera app testing
memory numpy pandas python3 scipy pylint automated-testing procrank
A pure Python3 automated tool suite for camera App testing, using pytest3+uiautomator2+allure2
python3 pytest allure pylint mypy automated-testing uiautomator2 procrank