evergarden is a comfy neovim colorscheme for cozy morning coding.
evergarden is inspired by the everforest colorscheme and nord colorscheme.
evergarden was designed as a cozy theme with a focus on readability and visual comfort.
hard | |
medium | |
soft |
using lazy.nvim:
return {
priority = 1000, -- Colorscheme plugin is loaded first before any other plugins
opts = {
transparent_background = true,
variant = 'medium', -- 'hard'|'medium'|'soft'
overrides = { }, -- add custom overrides
using vim-plug:
Plug 'comfysage/evergarden'
require 'evergarden'.setup {
transparent_background = false,
variant = 'medium', -- 'hard'|'medium'|'soft'
override_terminal = true,
style = {
tabline = { reverse = true, color = 'green' },
search = { reverse = false, inc_reverse = true },
types = { italic = true },
keyword = { italic = true },
comment = { italic = false },
sign = { highlight = false },
overrides = { }, -- add custom overrides
Overrides can take all options passed to vim.api.nvim_set_hl()
- Ensure that
(foreground color) andbg
(background color) are correctly positioned as the first and second elements in the table, respectively. Thefg
fields can also be refered to directly. - Confirm that
are strings or arrays, with the first element representing the GUI color, and the second element representing the CTERM (Color Terminal) color, if specified.
require 'evergarden'.setup {
overrides = {
Normal = {
-- Additional highlight options can be included here
style = { 'bold', 'italic' }
Keyword = {
fg = '#ce96de',
bg = '#ae45be',