To build this project run ./gradlew build
You can build this app as a docker container with
docker build -t <registry>/imagename:<version> .
To deploy the container you need to push the image to a docker registry your kubernetes instance can access. Then adapt the image name in Deployment.yml. Log into your clusetern and deploy everything with
kubectl apply -f Deployment.yml
If you running a lite cluster in e.g. IBM Bluemix you can not expose your deployment via LoadBalancer but you need to use NodePort. If not change the Service.yml file accordingly. Then deploy the service with
kubectl apply -f Service.yml
To get the public IP of the node call
ibmcloud cs workers <clustername>
To get the node port mapping use
kubectl get svc
Then access your service via
<public node ip>:<node port>
#Using cloud foundry to deploy this project:
ibmcloud api https://api.ng.bluemix.net
ibmcloud login -o <cloud foundry org, most likely your user name> -s <space, most likely dev> -sso
ibmcloud cf --target
ibmcloud cf push