.. : .E#t GEEEEEEEL ..
,W, .Et i#W, ,;;L#K;;. ;W,
t##, ,W#t L#D. t#E j##,
L###, j###t :K#Wfff; t#E G###, .......
.E#j##, G#fE#t i##WLLLLt t#E :E####, GEEEEEEf.
;WW; ##,:K#i E#t .E#L t#E ;W#DG##,
j#E. ##f#W, E#t f#E: t#E j###DW##,
.D#L ###K: E#t ,WW; t#E G##i,,G##,
:K#t ##D. E#t .D#; t#E :K#K: L##,
... #G .. tt fE ;##D. L##,
j : ,,, .,,
ED. :
.. : E#Wi t#,
;W, Ef E###G. t ;##W.
j##, E#t E#fD#W; Ej :#L:WE
G###, E#t E#t t##L E#, .KG ,#D
. :E####, E#t E#t .E#K, E#t EE ;#f
;W#DG##, E#t fi E#t j##f E#t f#. t#i
j###DW##, E#t L#jE#t :E#K: E#t :#G GK
G##i,,G##, E#t L#LE#t t##L E#t ;#L LW.
:K#K: L##, E#tf#E:E#t .D#W; E#t t#f f#:
;##D. L##, E###f E#tiW#G. E#t f#D#;
,,, .,, E#K, E#K##i E#t G#t
EL E##D. E#t t
: E#t ,;.
This README file contains information on the contents of the meta-audio layer.
Please see the corresponding sections below for details.
- URI: https://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core/
- branch: scarthgap
- URI: https://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded/
- branch: scarthgap
- layers:
- meta-oe
- meta-multimedia
- meta-python
Please submit any patches against the meta-audio layer to the maintainer:
Maintainer: drkhsh me@drkhsh.at
- Adding the meta-audio layer to your build
- Misc
Run 'bitbake-layers add-layer meta-audio'
--- replace with specific information about the meta-audio layer ---