A ruby based web crawler and search engine that pull information from lyle.smu.edu/~fmoore/ and creates an inverted index, a word frequency list, a list of pages, and all links. The Search Engine loads the text from recorded pages provided by tokens.txt and loads them into tf-idf-similarity Objects that are able to form cosine similarity matrices with other objects in order to remove duplicate pages, and return the correct results to the user.
##Software Software Used:
- Ruby version 1.9.3
- Mechanize Gem
- Nokogiri Gem
- tf-idf-similarity Gem
This web crawler uses ruby version 1.9.3. I use RVM to control which verion of ruby to use during a program. There are other ways to install ruby, however the steps below assume rvm is installed
To install the correct ruby version run rvm install ruby-1.9.3
Next install the mechanize gem, which directs you to the correct web page, and Nokogiri, the html parser used as the web crawler
gem install mechanize
gem install tf-idf-similarity
gem install nokogiri
To use the web crawler, run from terminal:
ruby crawler.rb
Stop words are included in a file called stop_words.txt. Running the web crawler will produce several .txt files:
- pages.txt -> the pages visited by the web crawler
- links.txt -> all links discovered by the crawler
- broken_links.txt -> all broken links in site
- tokens.txt -> a list of urls with their respective document text, This is then loaded in the search engine to create the tf-idf matrix
- freq.txt -> list of terms and their frequency
After these pages are created you may then run the search engine from the terminal by running:
ruby search_engine.rb
This will open up an interactive search engine that prompts the user to type a query and displays the top N results. The default is 3 but can be changed by changing the NUM_TIMES variable to equal a different number in 'search_engine.rb'. To quit the search engine simply type the word "Quit"