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benchmark: 3-field form
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ksagiyam committed Jun 11, 2024
1 parent 630bfb4 commit e1a207e
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Showing 5 changed files with 102 additions and 57 deletions.
159 changes: 102 additions & 57 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -110,9 +110,9 @@ def make_mesh_netgen(h, nref, degree):
ngmesh = netgen.libngpy._meshing.Mesh(2)
mesh = Mesh(ngmesh)
#if nref > 0:
# #mesh = MeshHierarchy(mesh, nref, netgen_flags={"degree": degree})[-1]
# mesh = MeshHierarchy(mesh, nref)[-1]
if nref > 0:
mesh = MeshHierarchy(mesh, nref)[-1]
#mesh = MeshHierarchy(mesh, nref, netgen_flags=True)[-1]
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "HDiv Trace", 0)
f0 = Function(V)
bc0 = DirichletBC(V, 1., (6, 7, 8, 9, 5))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,7 +147,10 @@ def make_mesh(quadrilateral):
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
f_fluid = Function(V).interpolate(conditional(Or(Or(x < x3, x > x5), Or(y < 0.19, y > 0.21)), 1., 0.))
f_struct = Function(V).interpolate(conditional(And(And(x > x3, x < x5), And(y > 0.19, y < 0.21)), 1., 0.))
return RelabeledMesh(mesh, [f_fluid, f_struct], [label_fluid, label_struct])
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "HDiv Trace", 0)
f_interface = Function(V).interpolate(conditional(Or(And(And(x > x3, x < x5), Or(And(y > 0.189, y < 0.191), And(y > 0.209, y < 0.211))),
And(And(x > x5 - .001, x < x5 + .001), And(y > 0.19, y < 0.21))), 1., 0.))
return RelabeledMesh(mesh, [f_fluid, f_struct, f_interface], [label_fluid, label_struct, label_interface])

def _finalise_mesh(mesh, degree):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,12 +182,12 @@ def _elevate_degree(mesh, degree):

dim = 2
use_netgen = True
use_netgen = False
quadrilateral = True
degree = 4 # 2 - 4
if use_netgen:
nref = 1 # # 2 - 5 tested for CSM 1 and 2
mesh = make_mesh_netgen(0.1 / 2 ** nref, nref, degree)
mesh = make_mesh_netgen(0.1, nref, degree)
mesh = _elevate_degree(mesh, degree)
mesh_f = Submesh(mesh, dmcommon.CELL_SETS_LABEL, label_fluid, mesh.topological_dimension())
mesh_f = _elevate_degree(mesh_f, degree)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,7 +251,7 @@ def _elevate_degree(mesh, degree):
#raise RuntimeError("not error")

case = "FSI3_2"
case = "FSI3"

if case in ["CFD1", "CFD2", "CFD3"]:
T = 20 # 10.0 # 12.0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -457,11 +460,15 @@ def _elevate_degree(mesh, degree):
elif case in ["FSI1", "FSI2", "FSI3"]:
T = 20 # 10.0 # 12.0
dt = Constant(0.0005) #0.001
dt = Constant(0.002) #0.001
dt_plot = 0.01
ntimesteps = int(T / float(dt))
t = Constant(0.0)
CNshift = 2
CNshift = 10
elast = True
linear_elast = True
fname_checkpoint = f"dumbdata/fsi3_0_Q4_Q3_nref{nref}_0.002_shift{CNshift}_{elast}_{linear_elast}"
fname_FD = f"time_series_0_FD_Q4_Q3_nref{nref}_0.002_shift{CNshift}_{elast}_{linear_elast}.dat"
fname_FL = f"time_series_0_FL_Q4_Q3_nref{nref}_0.002_shift{CNshift}_{elast}_{linear_elast}.dat"
if case == "FSI1":
rho_s = 1.e+3
nu_s = 0.4
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -492,40 +499,52 @@ def _elevate_degree(mesh, degree):
g_s = Constant(0.0)
E_s = mu_s * 2 * (1 + nu_s)
lambda_s = nu_s * E_s / (1 + nu_s) / (1 - 2 * nu_s)
V_0 = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "P", degree)
V_1 = FunctionSpace(mesh_f, "P", degree - 1)
V_0 = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", degree)
V_1 = FunctionSpace(mesh_f, "CG", degree - 1)
V = V_0 * V_0 * V_1
solution = Function(V)
solution_0 = Function(V)
v, u, p = split(solution)
v_0, u_0, p_0 = split(solution_0)
dv, du, dp = split(TestFunction(V))
F = Identity(dim) + grad(u)
J = det(F)
E = 1. / 2. * (dot(transpose(F), F) - Identity(dim))
S = lambda_s * tr(E) * Identity(dim) + 2.0 * mu_s * E
F_0 = Identity(dim) + grad(u_0)
J_0 = det(F_0)
E_0 = 1. / 2. * (dot(transpose(F_0), F_0) - Identity(dim))
S_0 = lambda_s * tr(E_0) * Identity(dim) + 2.0 * mu_s * E_0
residual_f = (
rho_f * J * inner((v - v_0) / dt, dv) +
rho_f * J * inner(dot(dot(grad(v), inv(F)), v - (u - u_0) / dt), dv) +
rho_f * J * nu_f * inner(2 * sym(dot(grad(v), inv(F))), dot(grad(dv), inv(F))) -
J * inner(p, tr(dot(grad(dv), inv(F)))) +
J * inner(tr(dot(grad(v), inv(F))), dp) +
J * inner(dot(grad(u), inv(F)), dot(grad(du), inv(F)))
) * dx_f # dx(label_fluid)
residual_s = (
rho_s * J * inner((v - v_0) / dt, dv) +
inner(dot(F, S), grad(dv)) -
rho_s * J * inner(as_vector([0., - g_s]), dv) +
J * inner((u - u_0) / dt - v, du)
) * dx_s # dx(label_struct)
for subf, name in zip(solution.subfunctions, ["v", "u", "p"]):
def compute_elast_tensors(dim, u, lambda_s, mu_s):
F = Identity(dim) + grad(u)
J = det(F)
E = 1. / 2. * (dot(transpose(F), F) - Identity(dim))
S = lambda_s * tr(E) * Identity(dim) + 2.0 * mu_s * E
return F, J, E, S
if True:
theta_p = Constant(1. / 2. + CNshift * float(dt))
theta_m = Constant(1. / 2. - CNshift * float(dt))
v_dot = (v - v_0) / dt
u_dot = (u - u_0) / dt
def _fluid_elast_lin(v_f, u_f, p):
F_f, J_f, E_f, S_f = compute_elast_tensors(dim, u_f, lambda_s, mu_s)
epsilon = sym(grad(u_f))
sigma = 2 * mu_s * epsilon + lambda_s * tr(epsilon) * Identity(dim)
return (inner(rho_f * J_f * v_dot, dv) +
inner(rho_f * J_f * dot(dot(grad(v_f), inv(F_f)), v_f - u_dot), dv) +
inner(rho_f * J_f * nu_f * 2 * sym(dot(grad(v_f), inv(F_f))), dot(grad(dv), inv(F_f))) -
J_f * inner(p, tr(dot(grad(dv), inv(F_f)))) +
J_f * inner(tr(dot(grad(v_f), inv(F_f))), dp) +
inner(sigma, grad(du))) * dx_f
def _struct(v_s, u_s):
F_s, J_s, E_s, S_s = compute_elast_tensors(dim, u_s, lambda_s, mu_s)
return (inner(rho_s * J_s * v_dot, dv) +
inner(dot(F_s, S_s), grad(dv)) -
inner(rho_s * J_s * as_vector([0., - g_s]), dv) +
inner(J_s * (u_dot - v_s), du)) * dx_s
residual_f = theta_p * _fluid_elast_lin(v, u, p) + \
theta_m * _fluid_elast_lin(v_0, u_0, p_0)
residual_s = theta_p * _struct(v, u) + \
theta_m * _struct(v_0, u_0)
residual = residual_f + residual_s
#v_f_left = 1.5 * Ubar * y_f * (H - y_f) / ((H / 2) ** 2) * conditional(t < 2.0, (1 - cos(pi / 2 * t)) / 2., 1.)
v_f_left = 1.5 * Ubar * y * (H - y) / ((H / 2) ** 2) * conditional(t < 2.0, (1 - cos(pi / 2 * t)) / 2., 1.)
bc_inflow = DirichletBC(V.sub(0), as_vector([v_f_left, 0.]), (label_left, ))
def v_f_left(t_):
return 1.5 * Ubar * y * (H - y) / ((H / 2) ** 2) * conditional(t_ < 2.0 + dt / 10., (1 - cos(pi / 2 * t_)) / 2., 1.)
bc_inflow = DirichletBC(V.sub(0), as_vector([theta_p * v_f_left(t - dt + theta_p * dt) +
theta_m * v_f_left(t - dt + theta_m * dt), 0.]), (label_left, ))
bc_noslip_v = DirichletBC(V.sub(0), Constant((0, 0)), (label_bottom, label_top, label_circle))
bc_noslip_u = DirichletBC(V.sub(1), Constant((0, 0)), (label_left, label_right, label_bottom, label_top, label_circle))
bbc = DirichletBC(V.sub(1), Constant((0, 0)), ((label_circle, label_interface), ))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -587,43 +606,69 @@ def _elevate_degree(mesh, degree):
sample_t = np.arange(0.0, T, dt_plot) + dt_plot
sample_FD = np.empty_like(sample_t)
sample_FL = np.empty_like(sample_t)
print("num cells = ", mesh_f.comm.allreduce(mesh_f.cell_set.size))
if mesh.comm.rank == 0:
with open("time_series_FD.dat", 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write("t val" + "\n")
with open("time_series_FL.dat", 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write("t val" + "\n")
for itimestep in range(ntimesteps):
print("num cells = ", mesh.comm.allreduce(mesh.cell_set.size), flush=True)
print("num DoFs = ", V.dim(), flush=True)
v_split = Function(VectorFunctionSpace(mesh_f, "P", degree)).interpolate(solution.subfunctions[0])
u_split = Function(VectorFunctionSpace(mesh_f, "P", degree)).interpolate(solution.subfunctions[1])
F_f_, J_f_, _, _ = compute_elast_tensors(dim, u_split, lambda_s, mu_s)
sigma_f_ = - p * Identity(dim) + rho_f * nu_f * 2 * sym(dot(grad(v_split), inv(F_f_)))
if os.path.exists(fname_checkpoint + ".h5"):
with DumbCheckpoint(fname_checkpoint, mode=FILE_READ) as chk:
steps, indices = chk.get_timesteps()
iplot = indices[-1]
print(f"loaded solution at t = {float(t)}")
chk.set_timestep(float(t), iplot)
for subsolution, subfunction_0 in zip(solution.subfunctions, solution_0.subfunctions):
iplot = 0
if mesh.comm.rank == 0:
print(f"time = {float(dt) * itimestep} : {itimestep} / {ntimesteps}", flush=True)
t.assign((itimestep + 1) * float(dt))
with open(fname_FD, 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write("t val" + "\n")
with open(fname_FL, 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write("t val" + "\n")
ii = 0
while float(t) < T:
t.assign(float(t) + float(dt))
ii += 1
if mesh.comm.rank == 0:
print(f"Computing solution at time = {float(t)} (dt = {float(dt)}, CNshift={CNshift})", flush=True)
for subfunction, subfunction_0 in zip(solution.subfunctions, solution_0.subfunctions):
v_split = Function(VectorFunctionSpace(mesh_f, "P", degree)).interpolate(solution.subfunctions[0])
FD = assemble((- p * n_f + rho_f * nu_f * dot(2 * sym(grad(v_split)), n_f))[0] * ds_f((label_circle, label_interface)))
FL = assemble((- p * n_f + rho_f * nu_f * dot(2 * sym(grad(v_split)), n_f))[1] * ds_f((label_circle, label_interface)))
u_A = solution.subfunctions[1].at(pointA)
# Everything is now up to date.
FD = assemble(dot(sigma_f_, dot(J_f_ * transpose(inv(F_f_)), n_f))[0] * ds_f((label_circle, label_interface)))
FL = assemble(dot(sigma_f_, dot(J_f_ * transpose(inv(F_f_)), n_f))[1] * ds_f((label_circle, label_interface)))
u_A = solution.subfunctions[1].at(pointA, tolerance=1.e-6)
if mesh.comm.rank == 0:
print(f"FD = {FD}")
print(f"FL = {FL}")
print(f"uA = {u_A}")
if itimestep % (ntimesteps // nsample) == 0:
with open("time_series_FD.dat", 'a') as outfile:
print(f"FD = {FD}")
print(f"FL = {FL}")
print(f"uA = {u_A}")
if ii % 10 == 0:
with open(fname_FD, 'a') as outfile:
outfile.write(f"{float(t)} {FD}" + "\n")
with open("time_series_FL.dat", 'a') as outfile:
with open(fname_FL, 'a') as outfile:
outfile.write(f"{float(t)} {FL}" + "\n")
#sample_FD[itimestep // (ntimesteps // nsample)] = FD
#sample_FL[itimestep // (ntimesteps // nsample)] = FL
#np.savetxt(outfile, np.concatenate([sample_t.reshape(-1, 1), sample_FD.reshape(-1, 1)], axis=1))
if ii % 10 == 0:
iplot += 1
with DumbCheckpoint(fname_checkpoint, mode=FILE_UPDATE) as chk:
chk.set_timestep(float(t), iplot)
for subsolution in solution.subfunctions:

end = time.time()
print(f"Time: {end - start}")
elif case in ["FSI1_2", "FSI2_2", "FSI3_2"]:
T = 20 # 10.0 # 12.0
dt = Constant(0.001) #0.001
dt_plot = 0.01
t = Constant(0.0)
CNshift = 10
CNshift = 1
elast = True
linear_elast = True
if use_netgen:
Expand Down
Binary file modified mesh_f.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified mesh_orig.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified mesh_s.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified time_series.pdf
Binary file not shown.

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