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eve70a committed Apr 23, 2024
1 parent 0a4967d commit c09c55b
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Showing 2 changed files with 221 additions and 189 deletions.
168 changes: 21 additions & 147 deletions examples/geometry_fexample.F90
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Expand Up @@ -16,44 +16,24 @@ program geometry_fexample
implicit none
# include "gsCInterface/gismo.ifc"
character(len=80, kind=C_CHAR) :: some_file
type(c_ptr) :: g
type(c_ptr) :: g
integer :: nu, nv
logical, parameter :: use_thb = .false.

! TODO: input option for xml-file?

if (use_thb) then
write(*,'(2(a,f5.1),a,i3)') 'reading XML for THB-spline'
some_file = 'optional/gsWRContact/examples/sw_crossing/sw_thb.xml' // C_NULL_CHAR
g = gsCReadFile(some_file)
write(*,'(2(a,f5.1),a,i3)') 'reading XML for tensor B-spline'
some_file = 'optional/gsWRContact/examples/sw_crossing/sw_tp.xml' // C_NULL_CHAR
g = gsCReadFile(some_file)
write(*,'(a,i3)') 'done, g.dim=', domainDim(g)

call print(g)
write(*,'(2(a,f5.1),a,i3)') 'reading XML for tensor B-spline'
some_file = 'optional/gsWRContact/examples/sw_crossing/sw_tp.xml' // C_NULL_CHAR
g = gsCReadFile(some_file)

if (.true.) then
call show_basic_usage( g )
write(*,'(a,i3)') 'done, g.dim=', gsFunctionSet_domainDim(g)

if (.false.) then
nu = 251
nv = 201
call sample_surface( g, nu, nv )
call gsFunctionSet_print(g)

if (.true.) then
call show_recover_points( g )
call show_basic_usage( g )

if (use_thb) then
call destroy(g)
call destroy(g)
call gsFunctionSet_delete(g)
write(*,*) 'done.'

end program geometry_fexample
Expand All @@ -66,10 +46,12 @@ subroutine show_basic_usage( g )
implicit none
# include "gsCInterface/gismo.ifc"
!--subroutine arguments
type(c_ptr) :: g, uvm, xyzm, xyz1
type(c_ptr) :: g
!--local variables
integer(C_INT) :: nRows, nCols, out_rows, out_cols, irow, icol, icoor, ipar
real(C_DOUBLE), dimension(:,:), target, allocatable :: uv, xyz
type(C_PTR) :: uvm, xyzm, xyz1
real(C_DOUBLE), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: uv
real(C_DOUBLE), dimension(:,:), pointer :: xyz
character(len=1), parameter :: c_param(2) = (/ 'u', 'v' /)
character(len=1), parameter :: c_coor(3) = (/ 'x', 'y', 'z' /)

Expand All @@ -87,11 +69,16 @@ subroutine show_basic_usage( g )

! evaluate positions (x,y,z) at given parameter values

uvm = gsMatrix_create_rcd(nRows, nCols, c_loc(uv(1,1)))
uvm = gsMatrix_create()
call eval_into(G, uvm, xyzm)
uvm = gsMatrix_create_rcd(nRows, nCols, uv)
xyzm = gsMatrix_create()
call gsFunctionSet_eval_into(G, uvm, xyzm)
call gsMatrix_print(xyzm)

xyz1 = gsMatrix_data(xyzm)
call C_F_POINTER(xyz1,xyz)
call C_F_POINTER(xyz1, xyz, (/ 3,nCols /))

out_rows = size(xyz, 1)
out_cols = size(xyz, 2)
write(*,'(3(a,i3))') 'Got #rows =', out_rows, ', #cols =', out_cols
do irow = 1, out_rows
write(*,'(3a,10f10.3)') ' ',c_coor(irow),': ', (xyz(irow,icol), icol=1,out_cols)
Expand All @@ -102,116 +89,3 @@ end subroutine show_basic_usage


subroutine sample_surface( g, nu, nv )
!--purpose: evaluate positions (x,y,z) at uniform grid [0:du:1] x [0:dv:1], print table of results
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
# include "gsCInterface/gismo.ifc"
!--subroutine arguments
type(c_ptr) :: g
integer, intent(in) :: nu, nv
!--local variables
integer :: iu, iv, ii
real(kind=8) :: du, dv, ui, vj
integer(C_INT) :: nRows, nCols, out_rows, out_cols, mode, irow, icol, icoor, ipar
real(C_DOUBLE), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: uv
real(C_DOUBLE), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: xyz
character(len=1), parameter :: c_param(2) = (/ 'u', 'v' /)
character(len=1), parameter :: c_coor(3) = (/ 'x', 'y', 'z' /)

write(*,*) '-------------------------------- sample_surface --------------------------------'
! set step-sizes for parameters u, v, interval [0,1] divided into equidistant positions

du = 1d0 / (nu - 1)
dv = 1d0 / (nv - 1)

! create input for gs_eval_geometry

nRows = 2
nCols = nu * nv

do iu = 1, nu
do iv = 1, nv
ii = (iu-1) * nv + iv
uv(1, ii) = (iu-1) * du
uv(2, ii) = (iv-1) * dv

write(*,'(2(a,i4),a)') 'Parameter grid nu x nv =',nu,' x',nv,' positions'

! evaluate positions (x,y,z) at given parameter values

mode = 0
call eval_into(G, uv, nRows, nCols, xyz, 3*nCols, out_rows, out_cols, mode)

! print results in tabular form

write(*,'(2(a,i3),a,i7)') 'Mode =',mode,': got #rows =', out_rows, ', #cols =', out_cols
write(*,'(a)') '% iu iv ii ui vj xij yij zij'
do iu = 1, nu
do iv = 1, nv
ii = (iu-1) * nv + iv
write(*,'(3i8,2f12.6,f14.6,2f12.6)') iu, iv, ii, uv(1,ii), uv(2,ii), &
(xyz(irow,ii), irow=1,out_rows)

end subroutine sample_surface


subroutine show_recover_points( g )
!--purpose: for some positions (x,y), determine z on the surface and corresponding (u,v)
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
# include "gsCInterface/gismo.ifc"
!--subroutine arguments
type(c_ptr) :: g
!--local variables
integer(C_INT), parameter :: XDIR = 0, YDIR = 1, ZDIR = 2
integer(C_INT) :: nCols, irow, icol
real(C_DOUBLE), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: uv, xyz
character(len=1), parameter :: c_param(2) = (/ 'u', 'v' /)
character(len=1), parameter :: c_coor(3) = (/ 'x', 'y', 'z' /)

write(*,*) '----------------------------- show_recover_points -----------------------------'
nCols = 4

xyz(1, 1:ncols) = (/ 2451.0, 210.001, 708.0, 210.0 /)
xyz(2, 1:ncols) = (/ 122.3, -38.957, 18.568, -13.9 /)
xyz(3, 1:ncols) = (/ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 /)

do icol = 1, nCols
uv(:,icol) = 0d0

write(*,'(a,i3,a)') 'Input #cols =', nCols,', (x,y,z) ='
do irow = 1, 3
write(*,'(3a,10f10.3)') ' ',c_coor(irow),': ', (xyz(irow,icol), icol=1,nCols)

! evaluate z-positions and (u,v)-values for given (x,y)-positions

call gs_recover_points(G, uv, xyz, nCols, ZDIR)

write(*,'(a)') 'Output (u,v) ='
do irow = 1, 2
write(*,'(3a,10f10.3)') ' ',c_param(irow),': ', (uv(irow,icol), icol=1, nCols)
write(*,'(a)') 'Output (x,y,z) ='
do irow = 1, 3
write(*,'(3a,10f10.3)') ' ',c_coor(irow),': ', (xyz(irow,icol), icol=1, nCols)


end subroutine show_recover_points


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