A set of display components composed with business logic to support specific Howso engine functional interactions.
To use this package in your application install it via npm.
Standard package installation makes imports available:
npm i @howso/howso-engine-react-display-components
Import the styles and fonts must be installed in your application directly.
import "@howso/howso-engine-react-display-components/lib/styles.css";
Modify your tailwind.config.js
configuration to include:
import twContainerQueries from "@tailwindcss/container-queries";
import flowbite from "flowbite-react/tailwind";
module.exports = {
content: [
// ...
plugins: [
flowbite.plugin({ charts: true }),
// ...
Translation files from this package must be installed into your public directory.
The suggested integration is trough setting up React I8ln's using backend
backend: {
loadPath: "/locales/{{ns}}/{{lng}}.json",
You will need the translation files from:
Translation files from this package must be included into your i18n
To reduce overall bundle size, you are advised to specify components' bundles you use selectively in your i18n
import { FeatureAttributeSampleI18nBundle } from "@howso/howso-engine-react-display-components";
// ...
resources: addI18nBundlesToResources(resources, [SkeletonI18nBundle]),
// ...
A naive export is available from this package that contains all bundles, though its use is discouraged:
import { I18nBundles } from "@howso/howso-engine-react-display-components";
// ...
resources: addI18nBundlesToResources(resources, [...I18nBundles]),
// ...
Development is done through Storybook. You may start the UI for inspection with hot reloading using:
npm run storybook
Documentation changes do not require a version publishing.
For functional changes, follow SemVer
standards updating the package.json
and package-lock.json
files in your pull request.
When you are ready to publish a new version, use the Github Release action.
Chromatic is used to review changes on this project. You may invite yourself to the project.