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Coverage and keywords

Peter Desmet edited this page Feb 8, 2021 · 1 revision

Note: this page is not yet finalized


Section Terms  Status
Geographic coverage Bounding box Required
Geographic coverage Description Required
Taxonomic coverage Description Required
Taxonomic coverage Taxa Required
Temporal coverage Temporal coverage Required
Keywords GBIF provided keywords Required
Keywords Free keywords Required


Geographic coverage

Bounding box

  • 2.53, 5.94, 50.67, 51.51 for Flanders
  • 2.53, 6.41, 49.49, 51.51 for Belgium


Keep concise. Bare minimum should be the name of the geographical area: Flanders, Belgium. Useful things to mention:

  • Habitats in which species were found


Riparian habitats along the river Leie in Flanders, Belgium. This 202 km river originates in Pas-de-Calais, France and drains into the river Scheldt in Ghent, Belgium. Sampling occurred in the section between Zulte and Deinze.

The rivers Grote Nete and Kleine Nete in Flanders, Belgium. The Grote Nete (Big Nete) originates near Hechtel in the province of Limburg, while the Kleine Nete (Small Nete) originates more northwest near Retie in the province of Antwerp. Both rivers flow west and join in Lier (Antwerp), where they continue as the Nete.

Flanders, Belgium. Most of the data originate from the province of Antwerp, as this province currently holds the main stronghold of the American bullfrog population.

The tracked birds breed at the southern North Sea coast in three colonies, located in the ports of Zeebrugge (Belgium), Ostend (Belgium) and Vlissingen-Oost (the Netherlands). During the breeding season, their foraging range includes the west of Belgium and the Netherlands, northern France, the North Sea, and the English Channel. The Lesser Black-backed Gulls migrate south in winter, mainly hibernating in the south of Spain, Portugal, and North Africa.

Taxonomic coverage


Keep concise. Useful things to mention:

  • The sampling focus (is often not a monophyletic group): alien macro invertebrates, waterbirds
  • The number of species present in the dataset. Note: this is not the same as the number of unique scientific names, use taxonRank to filter
  • Percentages of the 3 best represented groups


The sampling focus for this dataset is American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus (Shaw 1802) syn. Rana catesbeiana Shaw 1802), which represents 25% of the occurrences. The other occurrences are recorded bycatch (native amphibians, fish, non-native crayfish, invertebrates).


Detailed partitions of the taxonomy are generated by GBIF on a dataset page, so it is not useful to manually provide (and maintain) the full taxonomic coverage of a dataset here. Useful things to mention:

  • Kingdom(s) included in the dataset
  • Phylum(s) included in the dataset
  • Lower taxonomic ranks until the number of groups at a rank exceeds 6
  • The English vernacular names (use Wikipedia) in lowercase and with & for combinations of names, e.g.: ducks, geese & swans
  • The (limited number of) species with specific sampling focus, if applicable


  • Kingdom: Animalia (animals)
  • Phylum: Chordata, Arthropoda
  • Class: Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes), Amphibia (amphibians), Crustacea (Crustaceans), Insecta (insects)
  • Species: Lithobates catesbeianus (American bullfrog)

Temporal coverage

Use Temporal coverage type = Date range and populate with the minimum and maximum date (in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD ) derived from the data. If a dataset has logical temporal subsets, those could be provided in Living time period.


  • Start Date / End Date: 2013-05-17 / 2016-08-31
  • Living Time Period: breeding season 2013
  • Living Time Period: migration/wintering season 2013-2014
  • Living Time Period: breeding season 2014
  • Living Time Period: migration/wintering season 2014-2015


GBIF provided keywords

Automatically added by the IPT:

  • GBIF Dataset Type Vocabulary:
  • GBIF Dataset Subtype Vocabulary:

Free keywords

  • Use thesaurus n/a
  • Keywords should only use capital letters where required
  • Restrict to a maximum of 10 keywords

Keywords to avoid:

  • open data: too general, applies to every dataset

Keywords to include (in order):

  • Keywords from related article, if applicable
  • Sampling focus: alien species, juvenile fish, riparian habitat
  • Taxonomic group: fishes
  • Region: Flanders, Belgium
  • Project: TrIAS


movement ecology, bird migration, bird tracking, GPS tracking, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull, LifeWatch, UvA-BiTS

inventory, alien species, macroinvertebrates, Crustacea, Mollusca, Flanders, Belgium, TrIAS

juvenile fish, riparian habitat, river bank, spawning ground, foreshore, water management