A 3D, javascript/WebGL based implementation of the turtle Blocks Activity. Link to the Preview : http://ishan28mkip.github.io/turtleBlocks3D
Everything is similar to the turtle Blocks js version. Only the turtle commands have changed to incorporate the 3D functions. These commands are explained below:
- setPositionX,Y,Z : Sets the X,Y,Z coordinate respectively.
- setPosition : Sets the X,Y,Z coordinate together in a three argument block.
- forwardX,Y,Z : Move along the X,Y,Z axis respectively.
- setRoll : Sets the rotation angle about the X axis in degrees.
- setPitch : Sets the rotation angle about the Y axis in degrees.
- setYaw : Sets the rotation angle about the Z axis in degrees.
- doRoll : Rotates about the X axis in degrees.
- doPitch : Rotates about the Y axis in degrees.
- doYaw : Rotates about the Z axis in degrees.
Sample Screenshots
- Camera change is not yet possible.
- The coordinate axis is rotated by default, y axis pointing in the default z axis direction.
- Erase does reset the cursor position but does not erase the drawn lines.
- Add camera position change support.
- Fix the erase button. (Add support to erase the lines)