sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python-dev
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create .env file from .env.example
python migrate
python runserver
celery -A django_web worker -l info
celery -A django_web beat
docker build -t juancamiloceron/django .
docker tag juancamiloceron/django:latest juancamiloceron/django:v1
docker-compose up [--detach] [--build]
docker-compose logs -f
docker-compose down
kubectl apply -f django_configmap.yml
kubectl create secret generic django-secret --from-env-file=django_secrets
kubectl describe secret django-secret
kubectl apply -f django_pvc.yml
kubectl apply -f django_api_deployment.yml
kubectl get deploy django-api
kubectl get pod
kubectl apply -f django_api_service.yml
kubectl get service django-api
kubectl get node -o wide
kubectl apply -f django_worker_deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f django_scheduler_deployment.yml
kubectl create configmap nginx-config --from-file=../config/nginx/default.conf
kubectl apply -f .
kubectl delete all --all --namespace=default
- (wait 1 minute)
- Add Gunicorn
- Add an Entrypoint
- Add DB and broker as optional in compose
- Add logger
- Add more things from here
- Add statics
- Add SSL
- Add admin to Something model
- Improve collectstatic flow
- Add env vars to docker env vars
- Add Worker to K8s
- Add Scheduler to K8s
- Add Nginx to K8s