Lagrange polynomial interpolation with derivatives and error indication
Lagrange polynomial interpolation is sufficiently simple that for low fixed order of the polynomial it can be coded essentially in a single line.
Here you can find a very short Fortran90 or C code that performs a Lagrange interpolation from an arbitrary set of data points that includes the derivatives of the interpolated function and an indication of the quality of the interpolation.
This code is accompanied by an auxiliary code to interpolate from one grid to another (with error trapping and warnings), testing examples plus a short description of the algorithm.
To run a simple test just type
$F90 test_poly.f90 poly_interp.f90 a.out
$F90 test_grid_interp.f90 grid_interp.f90 poly_interp.f90 sort.f90 a.out
where $F90 is any fortran compiler (ifort, gfortran,...).
$CC test_poly.c poly_interp.c a.out
where $CC is any C compiler (gcc,...)