A pluggable client-side hipchat bot.
npm install hipchat-botty
If you run into errors you may need to install
- libexpat1-dev:
apt-get install libexpat1-dev
- libicu-dev:
apt-get install libicu-dev
var Bot = require('hipchat-botty');
// Use environment vars called HB_* for your configs.
var opts = {
jid: process.env.HB_JID,
password: process.env.HB_PASSWORD,
host: process.env.HB_HOST,
mucHost: process.env.HB_MUCHOST,
// Creates a bot with default handlers.
var b = new Bot(opts)
// Loads some plugins from the src.
// Create your own or contribute!
var pathto = './node_modules/hipchat-botty/examples/plugins/'
b.loadPlugin('chucky', require(pathto + 'chuckjokes'))
b.loadPlugin('commands', require(pathto + 'loaded_plugins'))
b.loadPlugin('help', require(pathto + 'help'))
// Create your own listeners:
b.onMessage(/\!agree/, function(channel, from, message) {
var self = this
self.message(channel, 'I totally agree.')
See the readme in the examples dir for development details.
Dan Villa dvilla@collineargroup.com
Based heavily on wobot
Github: hipchat-bot