Boxedd - project ecommerce app createdby create-t3-app
Small overlook of the projcet tech: hosting PostgreSQL database on railway, using trpc for api calls, using prisma for database queries, using next-auth for authentication, zustand as state manager, using stripe for payments, using framer-motion for animations, using react-query for data fetching, NextJS, scss, zod for validating requests, react-focus-trap for modals
Technologies used:
- nextJS(typescript)
- scss
- framer-motion
- stripe (payments)
- next-auth (auth)
- reactQuey
- prisma
- railway
Features : path '.../dashboard' goes to where user can login to admin panel
after succesful login gets this view of products :
user can add new porject using modal form :
delete existing products:
or simply log out. To test payments and '.../succes' page you can fill fake data and all numbers by spaming '42'
Diffrent funcionality can be discovered by playing.