Welcome to AI-Powered Legal Guidance, a platform that provides general legal information and guidance related to Philippine law using artificial intelligence.
This project aims to assist individuals who have legal questions and concerns related to Philippine law. With the use of artificial intelligence, we provide general legal information and guidance related to various areas of law, including Employment Law, Property Law, and more.
To use the platform, simply input your legal question and select the specific area of law that your question pertains to from the dropdown menu. You will then receive general legal information and guidance related to your legal issue.
Please note that the legal information we provide is not a substitute for legal advice from a licensed attorney. If you require legal advice, we can assist you in finding a licensed attorney who can provide you with the legal advice you need.
If you would like to contribute to the development of this project, please contact us at markllego@gmail.com to discuss how you can get involved.
To generate legal guidance using OpenAI API, the website makes use of a few key files: Generate.ts, BetterLegal.ts, and Middleware.ts.
The Generate.ts file contains the code for generating legal guidance using OpenAI API. The code is written in TypeScript.
First, the file defines a list of OpenAI API keys. If additional API keys are needed, they can be added to the list. The code then checks if all API keys are available, and if any are missing, an error is thrown.
const API_KEYS: string[] = [
process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY1 as string,
process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY2 as string,
process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY3 as string,
// add more API keys as necessary
if (!API_KEYS.every(Boolean)) {
throw new Error("Missing env var(s) from OpenAI");
Next, the interface for the request body is defined. The request body must contain a prompt string for generating the legal guidance.
interface RequestBody {
prompt: string;
The configuration object for the Next.js API route is defined next. It specifies that the code should run on the "edge" runtime.
export const config = {
runtime: "edge",
The main function in Generate.ts is an async function that handles the Next.js API request. The prompt is obtained from the request body, and if it is not provided, an error response is returned.
const handler = async (req: NextRequest): Promise<Response> => {
const { prompt } = (await req.json()) as RequestBody;
if (!prompt) {
return new Response("No prompt in the request", {
status: 400,
statusText: "Bad Request",
The GPT3Tokenizer is used to count the number of tokens in the prompt, and the maximum number of tokens allowed for the prompt is set to 400. If the prompt exceeds the maximum number of tokens, an error response is returned.
const tokenizer = new gpt3Tokenizer({ type: 'gpt3' });
const tokens = tokenizer.encode(prompt);
const numTokens = tokens.bpe.length;
const MAX_PROMPT_TOKENS = 400;
if (numTokens > MAX_PROMPT_TOKENS) {
return new Response(`The prompt has ${numTokens} tokens, which exceeds the maximum limit of ${MAX_PROMPT_TOKENS} tokens.`, {
status: 400,
statusText: "Bad Request",
One of the API keys is randomly selected, and the API parameters for the OpenAI text completion request are set. The function then calls the OpenAI API to stream the generated text. If there is an error in the process, an error response is returned.
try {
// Call the OpenAI API to stream the generated text
const stream = await OpenAIStream(payload, apiKey);
// Return the response from the OpenAI stream as the response to the API request
return new Response(stream);
} catch (e) {
// If there is any error in the process, return an error response
return new Response("Failed to fetch stream from OpenAI", {
status: 500,
statusText: "Internal Server Error",
The BetterLegal.ts file contains the function OpenAIStream that is called from Generate.ts to handle the streaming of data from the OpenAI API. The function takes in the payload object and an API key, and returns a readable stream that will continuously receive data from the OpenAI API until it returns the "[DONE]" message.
The function first creates a text encoder and decoder, and sets a counter to zero.
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
let counter = 0;
The function then sends a POST request to the OpenAI API with the given payload and API key. If the response is not successful, an error is thrown.
const res = await fetch("https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions", {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: `Bearer ${apiKey}`,
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(payload),
// Throw an error if the response is not successful
if (!res.ok) {
throw new Error(`Failed to fetch stream from OpenAI: ${res.statusText}`);
A ReadableStream object is then created that will continuously receive data from the response.
const stream = new ReadableStream({
async start(controller) {
// Define a callback function to handle incoming data
function onParse(event: ParsedEvent | ReconnectInterval) {
if (event.type === "event") {
const data = event.data;
// Close the stream if the OpenAI API returns the "[DONE]" message
if (data === "[DONE]") {
//... Continue the rest of the code
//... Continue the rest of the code
async cancel() {
//... Continue the rest of the code
return stream;
The start() method of the ReadableStream is an async function that is called when the stream is started. It defines a callback function onParse to handle incoming data. If the data is the "[DONE]" message, the stream is closed. If the data contains generated text, the text is extracted and enqueued as encoded binary data in the stream.
try {
const parsedData = JSON.parse(data) as OpenAIResponse;
if (parsedData.choices && parsedData.choices.length > 0) {
const choice = parsedData.choices[0];
if (choice && choice.delta?.content) {
text = choice.delta.content;
} catch (e) {
The cancel() method of the ReadableStream is an async function that is called when the stream is cancelled. It cancels the response if the stream is closed or an error occurs.
async cancel() {
if (res.body && typeof res.body.cancel === "function") {
try {
await res.body.cancel();
} catch (e) {
The Middleware.ts file contains the middleware function that enforces rate limiting for requests to the "/api/generate" path. The function is exported as the default export.
The middleware function takes in the request and event objects, which represent the incoming HTTP request and Next.js fetch event, respectively. It returns a response or undefined.
export default async function middleware(
request: NextRequest,
event: NextFetchEvent
): Promise<Response | undefined> {
//... Continue the rest of the code
The function first gets the user's IP address from the request, defaulting to "" if not present.
const ip = request.ip ?? "";
It then uses the ratelimit library to get information about the user's request limit. If the user has not exceeded the request limit, a NextResponse.next() response is returned. Otherwise, the user is redirected to the "/api/blocked" endpoint.
const ratelimitInfo: RatelimitInfo = await ratelimit.limit(`mw_${ip}`);
const response = ratelimitInfo.success
? NextResponse.next()
: NextResponse.redirect(new URL("/api/blocked", request.url), request);
The response headers are then set to indicate the rate limit and remaining requests.
response.headers.set("X-RateLimit-Limit", ratelimitInfo.limit.toString());
response.headers.set("X-RateLimit-Reset", ratelimitInfo.reset.toString());
Finally, the function returns the response.
return response;
The config object is also exported, specifying that this middleware should be applied to requests matching the "/api/generate" path.
export const config = {
matcher: "/api/generate",