A super awesome way of writing daily blog posts with Jekyll.
It’s like ‘git commit` but for real life.
<img src=“https://badge.fury.io/rb/jekylljournal.svg” alt=“Gem Version” /> <img src=“https://codeclimate.com/github/lorentrogers/jekylljournal/badges/gpa.svg” /> <img src=“https://codeclimate.com/github/lorentrogers/jekylljournal/badges/coverage.svg” /> <img src=“https://gemnasium.com/lorentrogers/jekylljournal.svg” alt=“Dependency Status” /> <img src=“https://img.shields.io/gem/dt/jekylljournal.svg” alt=“Gem Downloads” />
It’s based on this proof of concept, built with bash: github.com/lorentrogers/Journal.sh
First, you’ll need to grab the gem:
gem install jekylljournal
Then, configure your installation. Make a new file in your home directory called ‘.jekylljournal.yaml` and fill in the options below.
:blog_location: /path/to/your/jekyll/blog/root
It’s super handy to map an alias to this app. My configuration just uses ‘j` to open up my daily journal.
Here’s what’s in my ‘.zshrc` file:
alias j="jekylljournal"
Once you’ve installed it, and set up your config file, you’re ready to go:
You should have Vim open to today’s post.
Once you’ve finished, save the file and close it. Then you can save the journal to git:
j s
Or preview it if you like:
j p
Now you can browse to
and check out your post.
Contributions are very welcome. Have a look at ‘CONTRIBUTING.md` for details.
Gem on Rubygems: rubygems.org/gems/jekylljournal
Bug tracking on Github: github.com/lorentrogers/jekylljournal/issues
Source on Github: github.com/lorentrogers/jekylljournal
Features are written as Job Stories: robots.thoughtbot.com/converting-to-jobs-stories
This project uses GPL: gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html