This is a movie seat booking project with price calculation using browser local storage. You can select the available seats for watching a movie and get the total price to be paid. This project is deployed live at
Project Specifications-
- Displays interface having seat distribution of available/occupied seats.
- User can select/deselect seats for a movie and get the total price.
- User can not select the seats already occupied.
- Selected seats and total price gets updated automatically.
- Data of occupied and selected seats for the movie and its price are stored in local storage which does not get erased on page refresh.
- Data of occupied and selected seats for the movie and its price is deleted permanently on erasing the local cache memory of the page.
The full report can be accessed at
- Using browser local cache storage.
- Learned accessing Document Object Model (DOM).
To deploy this project on, simply login to your netlify account and go to and simply drag and drop the folder containing .html, .css & .js files in the section "Drag and drop your site output folder here".
- Clone the project
git clone
Open the project in VS Code.
Right click on index.html and run Live Server to open the project locally in you rdefault browser.