FeView: Finite element model (FEM) visualization and post-processing tool for OpenSees
FeView (v1.0) Interface introduces a graphical user interface (GUI) for the popular open source finite element software OpenSees.Render view of a 20 story building
Deformation shape with undiform wire mesh view
Python 3.7
- PyQt5==5.15.0
- PyVista==0.25.3 & pyvistaqt==0.1.1
- numpy
- pandas==1.0.5
- matplotlib==3.2.0
- xlwt==1.3.0
pip install -r requirements.txt
Firstly go to FeView folder >>
cd FeView
Run FeView
Python FeView.py
Support all types of material available in OpenSees (Version 3.2.1 64-Bit)
- Static/pushover analysis
- Modal Analysis
- Transient analysis
- elasticBeamColumn
- ElasticTimoshenkoBeam
- forceBeamColumn
- dispBeamColumn
- dispBeamColumnInt
- quad
- ShellMITC4
- ShellDKGQ
- ShellNL
- bbarQuad
- enhancedQuad
- SSPquad
- VS3D4
- AV3D4
- elastomericBearingPlasticity
- elastomericBearingBoucWen
- flatSliderBearing,
- singleFPBearing
- TripleFrictionPendulum
- multipleShearSpring
- KikuchiBearing
- YamamotoBiaxialHDR
- ElastomericX
- LeadRubberX
- RJWatsonEqsBearing
- FPBearingPTV
- stdBrick
- bbarBrick
- SSPbrick
- brickUP
- AC3D8
- ASI3D8
- bbarBrickWithSensitivity
- Tri31
- ShellDKGT
- CatenaryCable
- FourNodeTetrahedron
- twoNodeLink
- truss
- corotTruss
recorder Node -file Node_displacements.out -time -nodeRange $1stNode $lastNode -dof 1 2 disp
recorder Node -file Node_rotations.out -time -nodeRange $1stNode $lastNode -dof 3 disp
recorder Node -file Node_forceReactions.out -time -nodeRange $1stNode $lastNode -dof 1 2 reaction
recorder Node -file Node_momentReactions.out -time -nodeRange $1stNode $lastNode -dof 3 reaction
recorder Node -file Node_accelerations.out -time -nodeRange $1stNode $lastNode -dof 1 2 accel
recorder Node -file Node_velocities.out -time -nodeRange $1stNode $lastNode -dof 1 2 vel
recorder Node -file Node_displacements.out -time -nodeRange $1stNode $lastNode -dof 1 2 3 disp
recorder Node -file Node_rotations.out -time -nodeRange $1stNode $lastNode -dof 4 5 6 disp
recorder Node -file Node_forceReactions.out -time -nodeRange $1stNode $lastNode -dof 1 2 3 reaction
recorder Node -file Node_momentReactions.out -time -nodeRange $1stNode $lastNode -dof 4 5 6 reaction
recorder Node -file Node_accelerations.out -time -nodeRange $1stNode $lastNode-dof 1 2 3 accel
recorder Node -file Node_velocities.out -time -nodeRange $1stNode $lastNode -dof 1 2 3 vel
Note: Current versin of FeView support only nodal responses. User need to define recorder as in above. Just replace $1stNode and $lastNode node as your pboblem.
For eigenvalue analysis as prerequisit of FeView set mode number as>
set numModes 3