P2P-GUI is a grahical web interface to control multiple P2P-applications. It also added a layer to support multiple user accounts Some Screenshots.
This project was big and a mostly complete (multiple protocols/GUIs/Skins/Translations). But it was abandoned because the the D environment changed a lot and the authors interests changed. Still, this project has a lot of interesting code.
- Supports MLDonkey/aMule/rTorrent and giFT (uses the remote GUI protocol!)
- Integrated web server
- Everything combined in a single binary (!)
- No installation needed
- Download & Run
- Multi user account support
- HTTPS support
- UTF-8 support
- Written in D + CSS/JS/HTML
- Download unfinished files for preview
- Three different web GUIs
- Plex:
- Server side and HTML based.
- Languages:
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Spanish
- Polish
- Galician
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Dutch
- Danish
- Swedish
- Turkish
- Themes.
- File browser.
- User management.
- Country flags for IPs
- rot13 and l33t text transform ;-)
- Clutch:
- Browser side Javascript gui.
- Copied from the Transmission web interface.
- Slick design.
- English only.
- Jay:
- Browser side JavaScript gui.
- Uses the JSON rpc api.
- Country flags for IP addresses.
- Still alpha.
- Plex:
P2P-GUI is licensed under GNU General Public License. See gpl-3.0.txt for license details. Parts of this program may rely on other (GPL compatible) licenses.
- Moritz Warning moritzwarning@web.de
Following programs and libraries are needed in order to compile P2P-GUI:
- a D compiler: DMD (v1.041+, v1.047 doesn't work), LDC or GDC-svn
- the Tango library (svn version, )
- zlib library
- OpenSSL library
- make or rebuild for DSSS
For compiling you need to use the Makefile.
make dmd-linux
You also need to use MinGW+MSYS to build the binary. In the MSYS enviroment:
make dmd-win
You can also use DSSS (http://dsource.org/projects/dsss/):
dsss build
To include all files from theme directory into the binary,
you need to compile the ./utils/Includer.d
helper program.
Then execute it from inside of the ./webroot/
./Includer ../webcore/Webroot.d *
All visible files will now included in core/Webroot.d. After compiling P2P-GUI, there will be no more disk access to ./webroot by default.
You have two ways to alter/add translations:
Enable the Translator panel in the html gui and alter translations there. To contribute new languages or improvements, please send back the exported string.
Translations are keep in ./core/Dictionary.d. The Phrase enum definitions list all phrases used in P2P-GUI. To alter translations just imitate the structure as for the other languages.
In order to add a new language, you must modify ./core/Dictionary.d:
- add a Phrase for your new language to the Phrase enum declarartion
- add the language Phrase to all_languages
- create a new translation by imitating the structure of the other languages
Compile the program from your altered source. The new language can now be selected in the web gui.
Included files are CSS, image, (static) HTML or JavaScript GUI files. For every release all files from the ./webroot/ directory are included into the binary. This is done by writing the file data into a D source file (./webcore/Webroot.d) with a helper tool (./utils/Includer.d).
P2P-GUI ignores included files and uses an external directory if it's specified on the command line ("p2p-gui -d ") or if a directory called ./webroot/ is located in the settings directory. This is comfortable to edit these files and to see changes immediately.
If you want to get the files out of the binary. Use "p2p-gui --write-out-files [<target_directory>]" to write all files to the disk.
P2P-GUI consists of several parts
- ./api/ an API to describe the p2p network environment entities and relationships
- /clients/ - several client interfaces on top of the api
- ./webserver/ - a webserver to serve data
- ./webroot/ - repository of files in for html, css, js or image files to be severed by the webserver
- ./webguis/ - server side code for GUIs
- ./clutch/: interface for the Transmission web ui
- ...
- ./webcore/ - core files
- Main.d: glues everything together
- MainUser.d: implements accounts
- MainSettings.d: wrapper for settings that conforms the api
- DiskFile.d: wrapper for file system access that conforms the api
- Dictionary.d: translations
- Webroot.d: a container/accessor for files to be included into the binary
- JsonRPC.d: a JSON RPC interface for the api (not JSON-RPC compatible)
- ...
- ./utils/ - several helpful stuff
- Selector.d: a socket handler to watch over socket events
- Timer.d: a timer to call functions in x seconds or in intervals
- GeoIP.d: an interface for GeoIP databases
- Utils.d: a collection of helpful tools
- Includer.d: a helper program to copy files and directories into a source file (Webroot.d)
- Storage.d: wrapper around a JSON based storage to store settings in files