Scripts for analysing multi-year drought metrics in Australia in last millennium models.
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Falster, G. M., Wright, N. M., Abram, N. J., Ukkola, A. M., and Henley, B. J., 2024, Potential for historically unprecedented Australian droughts from natural variability and climate change, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 28, 1383–1401,
: some helpful functions for reading in climate
: some functions specifically related to calculating the drought metricsanalysis/
: main script to process all files from PMIP3 and CESM-LME models:- Subsets all data up to 2000
- Calculates precipitation anomalies, relative to specified climatology period (i.e. 1900-2000 mean)
- Calculates drought metrics (length, intensity, severity, frequency) using definitions in
- '2S2E': a drought starts after two years of negative precipitation anomalies, and ends after two years of positive precipitation anomalies (used within the paper)
- below a threshold in general (e.g. 20%, median) of climatology
- Saves file per model as netcdf
- Scripts for figures 1 to 10
- Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) shapefile