DiscordChatExporterPy is a Python plugin for your discord.py bot, allowing you to export a discord channels history within a guild.
To install the library to your bot, run the command:
pip install chat-exporter
To install the repository, run the command:
git clone https://github.com/mahtoid/DiscordChatExporterPy
Basic Usage
import discord
import chat_exporter
from discord.ext import commands
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.members = True
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!", intents=intents)
async def on_ready():
print("Live: " + bot.user.name)
async def save(ctx):
await chat_exporter.quick_export(channel, guild)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Optional: If you want the transcript to display Members (Role) Colours then enable the Members Intent. Passing 'guild' is optional and is only necessary when using enhanced-dpy.
Customisable Usage
import io
async def save(ctx, limit: int, tz_info):
transcript = await chat_exporter.export(ctx.channel, guild, limit, tz_info)
if transcript is None:
transcript_file = discord.File(io.BytesIO(transcript.encode()),
await ctx.send(file=transcript_file)
Optional: limit and tz_info are both optional, but can be used to limit the amount of messages transcribed or set a 'local' (pytz) timezone for the bot to transcribe message times to. Passing 'guild' is optional and is only necessary when using enhanced-dpy.
Raw Usage
import io
async def purge(ctx, tz_info):
deleted_messages = await ctx.channel.purge()
transcript = await chat_exporter.raw_export(channel, guild, deleted_messages, tz_info)
if transcript is None:
transcript_file = discord.File(io.BytesIO(transcript.encode()),
await ctx.send(file=transcript_file)
Optional: tz_info is optional, but can be used to set a 'local' (pytz) timezone for the bot to transcribe message times to. Passing 'guild' is optional and is only necessary when using enhanced-dpy.
This project borrows CSS and HTML code from Tyrrrz's C# DiscordChatExporter repository.