A werewolves game based on a RESTful API. Uses python3 & hug for the server, and no "exotic" dependencies for the client.
A sample python client is provided, but because of the API server side, you can and are encouraged to make a client in another language or using a different philosophy, as it will still be operating well with others.
You'll find more documentation about the server in the docstrings and in the server/README.txt
You'll find more documentation about the client in the docstrings and in the client/README.txt
I currently host a server, located at werewolves.api-d.com:8000
Clone the repository using git : git clone https://github.com/paris-ci/Werewolves.git
Change to the project directory : cd Werewolves
(Optional, but needed by some IDE) Create a simlink to make common avalable in the Server Directory : cd server/ && ln -s ./common ../common
Then, mark the client/
and server/
directory as source directories in your IDE if you use one.
Install hug pip3 install hug
Start the server using hug : cd server/; hug -f ./launch.py
Follow instructions for installing in a local machine, then install gunicorn for python3(.6) using your server package manager.
You can launch the server using gunicorn3 launch:__hug_wsgi__ --bind
You can also try installing hug using docker as stated here. However, I never tested this method.