A simple interface for Dynamixels using Python2.7 that comes installed on the latest version of RPI
from command line
#get git sudo apt-get install git-core
#update rasbian if you have an old version sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade
#get wx python sudo apt-get install wx2.8
#get python serial sudo apt-get install python-serial
#clone the repository to your desktop git clone https://github.com/philwilliammee/dynamixel_simple_as_RPI ~/Desktop/ax12testrpi
#connect your Dynamixel as per the instructions in the Dynamixel manual connect the usb port to an externally powered usb hub. #RPI should automaticly detect the FTDI serial to dynamixel adapter. #to test type dmesg | grep tty #you should see FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB#
#you may have to add your user to the dial out group #sudo usermod -a -G tty yourUserName #sudo usermod -a -G dialout username
#open up idle and run the GUI.py program #BE CAREFUL!!! watch for pinch points #move the slide bar and press move button and dynamixel should move