Convert rgb values to Lab values the photoshop way. Currently supported color profiles:
- Adobe RGB (1998),
- eciRGB v2
- Gray Gamma 2.2
- sRGB IEC61966-2.1
Install the package as npm package. Provided are a umd-formatted file in the dist folder to require or just read and an es-module in the module folder to import.
Once included in your setup, the variable rgbLabConversion is available. To calculate the Lab values:
let rgbTriplet = [52, 255, 51]
let iccProfileName = 'AdobeRGB1998'
let labTriplet = rgbLabConversion.rgb2Lab( rgbTriplet, iccProfileName )
There are also methods for the seperate conversion steps:
let rgbTriplet = [228, 160, 211]
let iccProfileName = 'eciRGB_v2'
let xyzTriplet = rgbLabConversion.rgb2XYZ( rgbTriplet, iccProfileName )
let labTriplet = rgbLabConversion.XYZ2Lab( xyzTriplet )
In all calculations we start off with unmanaged rgb values. Whitepoint and conversion matrices are corrected for the D50 illuminant.
iccProfileName is one of:
- 'AdobeRGB1998'
- 'eciRGB_v2'
- 'grayGamma22'
- 'sRGB'
Drag and drop .../rgb-lab-conversion/demo/calculator.html or .../rgb-lab-conversion/demo/proof.html in a browser window