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Encode jump positions' selection descriptions with JSON
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postsolar committed Dec 2, 2023
1 parent 6d93304 commit f24491d
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Showing 3 changed files with 258 additions and 185 deletions.
205 changes: 131 additions & 74 deletions index.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,6 +50,11 @@ var unsafeGet = function(label) {

// output-es/Data.Show/foreign.js
var showIntImpl = function(n) {
return n.toString();

// output-es/Data.Ordering/index.js
var $Ordering = (tag) => tag;
var LT = /* @__PURE__ */ $Ordering("LT");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4591,6 +4596,7 @@ var identity5 = (x) => x;
var writeForeignString = { writeImpl: unsafeCoerce };
var writeForeignInt = { writeImpl: unsafeCoerce };
var writeForeignFieldsNilRowR = { writeImplFields: (v) => (v1) => identity5 };
var writeForeignBoolean = { writeImpl: unsafeCoerce };
var writeJSON = (dictWriteForeign) => (x) => _unsafeStringify(dictWriteForeign.writeImpl(x));
var writeForeignFieldsCons = (dictIsSymbol) => (dictWriteForeign) => (dictWriteForeignFields) => () => () => () => ({
writeImplFields: (v) => (rec) => {
Expand All @@ -4601,6 +4607,7 @@ var writeForeignFieldsCons = (dictIsSymbol) => (dictWriteForeign) => (dictWriteF

// output-es/Main/index.js
var $SelectionDescriptionOrientation = (tag) => tag;
var min2 = (x) => (y) => {
const v =;
if (v === "LT") {
Expand All @@ -4615,6 +4622,8 @@ var min2 = (x) => (y) => {
var traverse = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => traversableArray.traverse(applicativeMaybe))();
var Forward = /* @__PURE__ */ $SelectionDescriptionOrientation("Forward");
var Backward = /* @__PURE__ */ $SelectionDescriptionOrientation("Backward");
var getLabels = (v) => {
const $0 = v.labelCharset;
const nextLabel = (v1) => {
Expand All @@ -4627,7 +4636,7 @@ var getLabels = (v) => {
return _crashWith("Index error");
const lineNrOffset = min2(v.bufferSelection.endLine)(v.bufferSelection.startLine);
const lineNrOffset = min2(v.bufferSelection.startLine)(v.bufferSelection.endLine);
const generateLabels = (generateLabels$a0$copy) => (generateLabels$a1$copy) => (generateLabels$a2$copy) => (generateLabels$a3$copy) => {
let generateLabels$a0 = generateLabels$a0$copy;
let generateLabels$a1 = generateLabels$a1$copy;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4683,18 +4692,48 @@ var getLabels = (v) => {
return generateLabels$r;
const $1 = splitAt((v.currentLine - lineNrOffset | 0) + 1 | 0)(mapWithIndexArray((lineNr) => (line) => foldableWithIndexArray.foldlWithIndex((column) => (v1) => (codepoint) => {
const cursorLine = (() => {
if (v.bufferSelection.orientation === "Forward") {
return v.clientSelection.endLine;
if (v.bufferSelection.orientation === "Backward") {
return v.clientSelection.startLine;
const cursorColumn = (() => {
if (v.bufferSelection.orientation === "Forward") {
return v.clientSelection.endColumn;
if (v.bufferSelection.orientation === "Backward") {
return v.clientSelection.startColumn;
const $1 = splitAt((cursorLine - lineNrOffset | 0) + 1 | 0)(mapWithIndexArray((lineNr) => (line) => foldableWithIndexArray.foldlWithIndex((column) => (v1) => (codepoint) => {
const $12 = v1.bytePosition;
return {
prev: $Maybe("Just", codepoint),
bytePosition: $12 + byteLength(singleton2(codepoint))(UTF8) | 0,
acc: (() => {
const $2 = lineNr + lineNrOffset | 0;
const orientation = (() => {
if ($2 > cursorLine) {
return Forward;
if ($2 === cursorLine && column > cursorColumn) {
return Forward;
return Backward;
const selectionDescription = ((orientation === "Forward" ? v.clientSelection.orientation === "Forward" : orientation === "Backward" && v.clientSelection.orientation === "Backward") || !v.autoFlipSelection ? showIntImpl(v.clientSelection.startLine) + "." + showIntImpl(v.clientSelection.startColumn) + "," : showIntImpl(v.clientSelection.endLine) + "." + showIntImpl(v.clientSelection.endColumn) + ",") + showIntImpl(lineNr + lineNrOffset | 0) + "." + showIntImpl(column + 1 | 0);
const jumpPosition = (label) => ({
labelByteLength: byteLength(slice(column + 1 | 0)((column + toCodePointArray(label).length | 0) + 1 | 0)(line))(UTF8),
labelBytePosition: $12,
line: lineNr + lineNrOffset | 0,
column: column + 1 | 0,
bytePosition: $12,
byteLength: byteLength(slice(column + 1 | 0)((column + toCodePointArray(label).length | 0) + 1 | 0)(line))(UTF8),
jumpOrientationForward: orientation === "Forward"
if (v1.prev.tag === "Nothing") {
if (isAlphaNum(codepoint) || elem(eqCodePoint)(codepoint)(v.extraWordCharacters)) {
Expand All @@ -4714,112 +4753,130 @@ var getLabels = (v) => {
})({ prev: Nothing, bytePosition: 1, acc: [] })(toCodePointArray(line)).acc)(split("\n")(v.buffer)));
})({ prev: Nothing, bytePosition: 1, acc: [] })(toCodePointArray(line)).acc)(split("\n")(v.bufferContent)));
return generateLabels(arrayBind($1.before)(identity))(arrayBind($1.after)(identity))($Tuple(0, 0))([]);
var kakouneEnvironment = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => {
const $0 = throwException(error2("[ERROR] JumpMode: couldn't find $kak_opt_jumpContents in the environment\n\n"));
const $0 = throwException(error2("[ERROR] JumpMode: couldn't find $kak_opt_jumpAutoFlipOnExtend in the environment\n"));
const $1 = throwException(error2("[ERROR] JumpMode: couldn't find $kak_opt_jumpContents in the environment\n"));
const $2 = throwException(error2("[ERROR] JumpMode: couldn't find $kak_opt_jumpContentsRange in the environment\n"));
const $3 = throwException(error2("[ERROR] JumpMode: couldn't find $kak_selection_desc in the environment\n"));
const $4 = throwException(error2("[ERROR] JumpMode: couldn't find $kak_opt_jumpExtraWordCharacters in the environment\n"));
const $5 = throwException(error2("[ERROR] JumpMode: couldn't find $kak_opt_jumpLabelsCharacters in the environment\n"));
const $6 = throwException(error2("[ERROR] JumpMode: invalid labels characters set\n"));
return () => {
const a$p = unsafeGetEnv();
const $1 = _lookup(Nothing, Just, "kak_opt_jumpContents", a$p);
const buffer = (() => {
if ($1.tag === "Nothing") {
const $7 = _lookup(Nothing, Just, "kak_opt_jumpAutoFlipOnExtend", a$p);
const v = (() => {
if ($7.tag === "Nothing") {
return $0();
if ($1.tag === "Just") {
return $1._1;
if ($7.tag === "Just") {
return $7._1;
const $2 = throwException(error2("[ERROR] JumpMode: couldn't find $kak_opt_jumpContentsRange in the environment\n\n"));
const a$p$1 = unsafeGetEnv();
const $3 = _lookup(Nothing, Just, "kak_opt_jumpContentsRange", a$p$1);
const desc = (() => {
if ($3.tag === "Nothing") {
return $2();
const a$p$1 = (() => {
if (v === "true") {
return true;
if ($3.tag === "Just") {
return $3._1;
if (v === "false") {
return false;
return throwException(error2("[ERROR] JumpMode: couldn't parse Boolean: " + v + "\n"))();
const v = traverse(fromString)(arrayBind(split(",")(desc))(split(".")));
const bufferSelection = v.tag === "Just" && v._1.length === 4 ? { startLine: v._1[0], startColumn: v._1[1], endLine: v._1[2], endColumn: v._1[3] } : throwException(error2("[ERROR] JumpMode: couldn't parse selection description: " + desc + "\n"))();
const $4 = throwException(error2("[ERROR] JumpMode: couldn't find $kak_cursor_line in the environment\n\n"));
const a$p$2 = unsafeGetEnv();
const $5 = _lookup(Nothing, Just, "kak_cursor_line", a$p$2);
const currentLine$p = (() => {
if ($5.tag === "Nothing") {
return $4();
if ($5.tag === "Just") {
return $5._1;
const $6 = throwException(error2("[ERROR] JumpMode: couldn't find $kak_cursor_column in the environment\n\n"));
const a$p$3 = unsafeGetEnv();
const $7 = _lookup(Nothing, Just, "kak_cursor_column", a$p$3);
const currentColumn$p = (() => {
if ($7.tag === "Nothing") {
return $6();
const $8 = _lookup(Nothing, Just, "kak_opt_jumpContents", a$p$2);
const a$p$3 = (() => {
if ($8.tag === "Nothing") {
return $1();
if ($7.tag === "Just") {
return $7._1;
if ($8.tag === "Just") {
return $8._1;
const $8 = throwException(error2("[ERROR] JumpMode: couldn't find $kak_opt_jumpExtraWordCharacters in the environment\n\n"));
const a$p$4 = unsafeGetEnv();
const $9 = _lookup(Nothing, Just, "kak_opt_jumpExtraWordCharacters", a$p$4);
const a$p$5 = (() => {
const $9 = _lookup(Nothing, Just, "kak_opt_jumpContentsRange", a$p$4);
const $10 = (() => {
if ($9.tag === "Nothing") {
return $8();
return $2();
if ($9.tag === "Just") {
return $9._1;
const extraWordCharacters = toCodePointArray(a$p$5);
const $10 = throwException(error2("[ERROR] JumpMode: invalid labels characters set\n"));
const $11 = throwException(error2("[ERROR] JumpMode: couldn't find $kak_opt_jumpLabelsCharacters in the environment\n\n"));
const v$1 = traverse(fromString)(arrayBind(split(",")($10))(split(".")));
const a$p$5 = v$1.tag === "Just" && v$1._1.length === 4 ? {
startLine: v$1._1[0],
startColumn: v$1._1[1],
endLine: v$1._1[2],
endColumn: v$1._1[3],
orientation: v$1._1[2] > v$1._1[0] || v$1._1[2] === v$1._1[0] && v$1._1[3] > v$1._1[1] ? Forward : Backward
} : throwException(error2("[ERROR] JumpMode: couldn't parse selection description: " + $10 + "\n"))();
const a$p$6 = unsafeGetEnv();
const $12 = _lookup(Nothing, Just, "kak_opt_jumpLabelsCharacters", a$p$6);
const $13 = (() => {
if ($12.tag === "Nothing") {
return $11();
const $11 = _lookup(Nothing, Just, "kak_selection_desc", a$p$6);
const $12 = (() => {
if ($11.tag === "Nothing") {
return $3();
if ($12.tag === "Just") {
return $12._1;
if ($11.tag === "Just") {
return $11._1;
const $14 = toCodePointArray($13);
if ($14.length >= 10) {
const v$12 = fromString(currentColumn$p);
const v12 = fromString(currentLine$p);
if (v12.tag === "Just" && v$12.tag === "Just") {
return { buffer, currentLine: v12._1, currentColumn: v$12._1, labelCharset: $14, bufferSelection, extraWordCharacters };
const v$2 = traverse(fromString)(arrayBind(split(",")($12))(split(".")));
const a$p$7 = v$2.tag === "Just" && v$2._1.length === 4 ? {
startLine: v$2._1[0],
startColumn: v$2._1[1],
endLine: v$2._1[2],
endColumn: v$2._1[3],
orientation: v$2._1[2] > v$2._1[0] || v$2._1[2] === v$2._1[0] && v$2._1[3] > v$2._1[1] ? Forward : Backward
} : throwException(error2("[ERROR] JumpMode: couldn't parse selection description: " + $12 + "\n"))();
const a$p$8 = unsafeGetEnv();
const $13 = _lookup(Nothing, Just, "kak_opt_jumpExtraWordCharacters", a$p$8);
const a$p$9 = (() => {
if ($13.tag === "Nothing") {
return $4();
if ($13.tag === "Just") {
return $13._1;
const labelCharset = $10();
const v$1 = fromString(currentColumn$p);
const v1 = fromString(currentLine$p);
if (v1.tag === "Just" && v$1.tag === "Just") {
return { buffer, currentLine: v1._1, currentColumn: v$1._1, labelCharset, bufferSelection, extraWordCharacters };
const a$p$10 = unsafeGetEnv();
const $14 = _lookup(Nothing, Just, "kak_opt_jumpLabelsCharacters", a$p$10);
const $15 = (() => {
if ($14.tag === "Nothing") {
return $5();
if ($14.tag === "Just") {
return $14._1;
const $16 = toCodePointArray($15);
const a$p$11 = $16.length >= 10 ? $16 : $6();
return {
autoFlipSelection: a$p$1,
bufferContent: a$p$3,
bufferSelection: a$p$5,
clientSelection: a$p$7,
extraWordCharacters: toCodePointArray(a$p$9),
labelCharset: a$p$11
var main = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => {
const $0 = writeJSON((() => {
const $02 = writeForeignFieldsCons({ reflectSymbol: () => "byteLength" })(writeForeignInt)(writeForeignFieldsCons({
reflectSymbol: () => "bytePosition"
})(writeForeignInt)(writeForeignFieldsCons({ reflectSymbol: () => "column" })(writeForeignInt)(writeForeignFieldsCons({
const $02 = writeForeignFieldsCons({ reflectSymbol: () => "jumpOrientationForward" })(writeForeignBoolean)(writeForeignFieldsCons({
reflectSymbol: () => "label"
})(writeForeignString)(writeForeignFieldsCons({ reflectSymbol: () => "line" })(writeForeignInt)(writeForeignFieldsNilRowR)()()())()()())()()())()()())()()();
})(writeForeignString)(writeForeignFieldsCons({ reflectSymbol: () => "labelByteLength" })(writeForeignInt)(writeForeignFieldsCons({
reflectSymbol: () => "labelBytePosition"
})(writeForeignInt)(writeForeignFieldsCons({ reflectSymbol: () => "line" })(writeForeignInt)(writeForeignFieldsCons({
reflectSymbol: () => "selectionDescription"
return { writeImpl: (xs) => arrayMap((rec) => $02.writeImplFields($$Proxy)(rec)({}))(xs) };
return () => {
Expand Down
58 changes: 10 additions & 48 deletions jump.kak
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ define-command -hidden jumpAddDimHL %{
define-command -hidden jumpGetLabelsJSON %{
set-option window jumpLabelsPositions %sh{
# Environment variables to make accessible to the labels generating script
# $kak_selection_desc
# $kak_opt_jumpContents
# $kak_cursor_line
# $kak_cursor_column
# $kak_opt_jumpContentsRange
# $kak_opt_jumpLabelsCharacters
# $kak_opt_jumpExtraWordCharacters
# $kak_opt_jumpAutoFlipOnExtend
node "$(dirname $kak_opt_jumpSourcePath)/index.js"
Expand All @@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ define-command -hidden jumpSetLabels %{
( l => process.stdout.write
( l.line
+ '.'
+ l.bytePosition
+ l.labelBytePosition
+ '+'
+ l.byteLength
+ l.labelByteLength
+ '|{$kak_opt_jumpLabelFace}'
+ l.label
+ ' '
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,14 +118,9 @@ define-command -hidden jumpOnPromptChange %{
const jumpLabels = JSON.parse('$kak_opt_jumpLabelsPositions')
const targetLabel = jumpLabels.find(label => label.label === '$kak_text')
if (targetLabel === undefined) process.exit()
const toTargetLine =
( targetLabel.line > $kak_cursor_line
? (targetLabel.line - $kak_cursor_line) + 'j gh'
: ($kak_cursor_line - targetLabel.line) + 'k gh'
).replace(/^0\w gh$/, 'gh')
console.log('execute-keys <esc> ' + toTargetLine + (targetLabel.column - 1) + 'l he')
console.log('execute-keys <esc>')
console.log('select -display-column ' + targetLabel.selectionDescription)
console.log('execute-keys <semicolon>he')
Expand All @@ -136,42 +131,9 @@ define-command -hidden jumpExtendOnPromptChange %{
const jumpLabels = JSON.parse('$kak_opt_jumpLabelsPositions')
const targetLabel = jumpLabels.find(label => label.label === '$kak_text')
if (targetLabel === undefined) process.exit()
const [ selStartLine, selStartCol, selEndLine, selEndCol ] =
const selOrientedForward =
selEndLine > selStartLine
|| selEndLine === selStartLine && selEndCol > selStartCol
const jumpIsForward =
targetLabel.line > $kak_cursor_line
|| (targetLabel.line === $kak_cursor_line && targetLabel.column > $kak_cursor_column)
const flipSelection =
$kak_opt_jumpAutoFlipOnExtend && selOrientedForward !== jumpIsForward
? '<a-semicolon>'
: ''
const lineWiseMoves =
( targetLabel.line > $kak_cursor_line && selOrientedForward
? (targetLabel.line - $kak_cursor_line) + 'J'
: targetLabel.line > $kak_cursor_line
? (targetLabel.line - $kak_cursor_line - (selStartLine - selEndLine)) + 'J'
: targetLabel.line < $kak_cursor_line && !selOrientedForward
? ($kak_cursor_line - targetLabel.line) + 'K'
: targetLabel.line < $kak_cursor_line
? ($kak_cursor_line - targetLabel.line - (selEndLine - selStartLine)) + 'K'
: ''
).replace(/^0\w$/, '')
const extendRight =
targetLabel.column === 1 && !jumpIsForward
? ''
: (targetLabel.column - 1) + 'L'
const lastKeyPress = jumpIsForward ? 'E' : ''
console.log('execute-keys <esc> ' + flipSelection + lineWiseMoves + '<a-H>' + extendRight + lastKeyPress)
console.log('execute-keys <esc>')
console.log('select -display-column ' + targetLabel.selectionDescription)
if (targetLabel.jumpOrientationForward) console.log('execute-keys HE')
Expand Down

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