Smart-Spam-Classifier is a email classification tool that leverages Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning to protect your inbox from spam. With an intuitive interface built on Streamlit, it accurately identifies and filters spam emails, ensuring a secure and clutter-free email experience.
- Email Classification: Enter an email and classify it as either Spam or Not Spam using a machine learning model.
- Model Performance: View model accuracy, confusion matrix, and a classification report on the dataset.
- User-Friendly Interface: The classification result is displayed with a color-coded background to clearly indicate whether an email is Spam (red) or Not Spam (green).
- Real-time Feedback: Instant results and model performance visualization.
To run locally, follow these steps to set up the project on your machine:
- Python 3.7+: Make sure you have Python installed.
- Git: To clone the repository.
Clone the repository:
First, clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone