PHP Practicals that are done in Diploma
List of Practicals
- PHP script to display Welcome message.
- PHP script to demonstrate arithmetic operators,comparison operator, and logical operator.
- PHP Script to print Fibonacci series.
- PHP Script to generate result and display grade.
- PHP Script to find maximum number out of three given numbers.
- PHP Script for addition of two 2x2 matrices.
- PHP script to demonstrate Variable function.
- PHP script to obtain 5! Using function.
- PHP script to demonstrate string function.
- PHP script to demonstrate Date functions.
- PHP script to demonstrate Math functions.
- PHP script to demonstrate Array functions.
- PHP script to demonstrate File functions.
- Create student registration form using text box, check box, radio button, select, submit button. And display user inserted value in new PHP page.
- Create Website Registration Form using text box, check box, radio button, select, submit button. And display user inserted value in new PHP page.
- Write two different PHP script to demonstrate passing variables through a URL.
- Write two different PHP script to demonstrate passing variables with sessions.
- Write PHP script to demonstrate passing variables with cookies.
- Write a program to keep track of how many times a visitor has loaded the page.
- Write an example of Error-handling using exceptions.
- Write a PHP script to connect MySQL server from your website.
- Write a program to read customer information like cust_no,cust_name, Item_purchase, and mob_no, from customer table and display all these information in table format on output screen.
- Write a program to edit name of customer to “Bob” with cust_no =1, and to delete record with cust_no=3.
- Write a program to read employee information like emp_no,emp_name, designation and salary from EMP table and display all this information using table format.