This project began as a playground for me to learn Python. It consists of a big Django project composed of a set of apps.
Main Python libs:
- Django
- Django REST Framework
- Pipenv
- Pytest
- Pylint
- Black
Other tools:
- SQLite for development database
- Fomantic-UI for frontend styling
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install mariadb-client python-pip
sudo pacman -Syu
sudo pacman -S mariadb-client python-pip
pip install pipenv
make clean-db
make migrate
make superuser
make devserver
App to organize personal financial life by storing expenses and displaying charts.
Transaction --> Category
Transaction --* Account
Budget --> Category
App to manage projects using a kanban-style layout.
Project *--> Board
Board *--> Bucket
Bucket *--> Card
Card *--> File
Card *--> Item
Card o--> Tag
Card o--> TimeEntry
Bucket --> Theme
Card --> Theme
App to write notes using markdown syntax.
Note o--> Tag
Simple to-do app.
Checklist *--> Tasks
Store snippets of code.
Snippet o--> Tag
Create simple mind maps.
MindMap *--> Node
App to insert a pixel for usage analytics.
Site *--> Pings