Easiest and fastest way to install Arch Linux on your PC.
Once your Arch Linux ISO is ready to type commands do:
Open the CLI tool cfdisk to start partitioning the disk you want to install Arch:
$ cfdisk /dev/{YourDiskName}
And create partitions:
* EFI: 500M
* LINUX FILESYSTEM: the desired space for Arch
Apply changes and exit cfdisk.
$ iwctl
> device wlan0 set-property Powered on
> station wlan0 scan
> station wlan0 get-networks
> station wlan0 connect "wifi_name"
$ archinstall
Fill everything as desired and in the disk section select manual and mount the /
in the thick partition (linux filesystem mentioned above) and mount /boot
in the EFI partition.
Install and wait for it to finish and reboot.
When updating with sudo pacman -Syu
if the initramfs gives errors when compiling, when updating pacman or when installing packages, you must install:
$ sudo pacman -S linux-headers # For Stable kernel
$ sudo pacman -S linux-zen-headers # For Zen kernel
$ sudo pacman -S linux-hardened-headers # For Hardened kernel
$ nmcli device wifi list
$ nmcli device wifi connect "wifi-name" password "passwordHere"
This way you can see Windows installation on grub OS selector.
$ sudo pacman -S os-prober
$ sudo nano /etc/default/grub
> Uncomment os-prober line
$ sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg