IntenseCart integrates directly with many of the Internet's leading Market Places including Amazon and eBay, Comparison Shopping sites such Google Shopping, Shopzilla and PriceGrabber, Search Engines like Google, and All Major Shipping Carriers including UPS (with integrated WorldShip support!), DHL, FedEx and USPS for real-time rates and tracking. We also offer various Payment Gateways including Paypal (with Direct Payments and Express Checkout!), Google Checkout, GoeMerchant and Authorize.Net. IntenseCart is also integrated with accounting such as QuickBooks and contains powerful Supply Chain capabilities including Order Feeds and Inventory Updating for Order Fulfillment capabilties.
IntenseCart features rich, responsive storefront design capabilities, analytics & reporting capabilities, customer & inventory management, payment & shipment processing, and a full suite of multi-channel internet marketing tools, including API integrations with comparison shopping platforms and marketplaces. Our real-time dashboards & reporting provide critical business intelligence, showcasing key performance segments & trends.
The IntenseCart platform helps you increase revenue and customer retention, while reducing overhead and service costs by allowing you to focus on running your business, not micro-managing online operations. IntenseCart's highly flexible modules provide maximum customizing to snugly fit your business model.
- Real-time, role-based administrative dashboards including Sales and Traffic Analytics.
- Completely search engine friendly. Includes a broad range of SEO tools & competitive analysis tools.
- Real-time Shipping Rates & Tracking, Credit Card Processing, Reporting and much more!
- Order & Customer Management, including manual order entry and editing.
- Powerful imaging & cataloging feature including alternative views, attribute color thumb swapping, "Complete the look" cross-selling and much more.
- Promotion Coupon Codes and Vouchers: Great for seasonal promotions and incentive driven marketing initiatives.
- Seamlessly automate Drop-shipments from your warehouses with our XML or CSV order exporter!
- QuickBooks ready! Seamlessly pass your orders and inventory from your intenseCart admin back into your QB software.
- Easy Product Populate for bulk product additions and updates using a simple spread-sheet saved / CSV format.
- Gift Certificates including optional e-card or generated code batches for physical printing and delivery!
- Multiple Sales Channels & Product Feeds including Amazon, Yahoo Shopping, Shopzilla and many more!
- Affiliate and Sales Agent program control including Multi-Tier commission system & reporting.
- Quantity price break profiles for vendors including quantity structures & price differences using unique logins.
- Our WorldShip XML module will automatically send new orders to your WorldShip software, creating labels with no data entry! Just stick the labels to your boxes!
- Our EDI module provides a powerful integration mechanism into your ERP platform. X12 compliant!
- Purchase Order module for Vendors. Run Open balances with a Net30 recon? This module is ideal for the task.
- Stock Level XML module for integration of remote stock levels. Allows your online store to use real-time stock levels from 3rd party XML compatible systems.
IntenseCart works by centralizing your IXcore directory for use among your server users. For example, all users with the appropriate symlinks in their /home/[theuser] directories will have the capability to run intenseCart store fronts. Simply build the file structure needed to use IntenseCart. This includes symlinks such as /home/[theuser]/public_html/core/ which would point to your IXcore directory.
Remember to replace [theuser] with your actual user. Example: /home/foo/, where foo replaces [theuser]
In this version, we've placed our IXcore directory inside /usr/share/. So your symlink would point to /usr/share/IXcore.
mkdir /home/[theuser]/public_html
Assuming you've placed the IXcore directory in your /usr/share/ directory:
cd /home/[theuser]/public_html/
ln -s /usr/share/IXcore/catalog/ core
You will also need a symlink to the admin:
mkdir /home/[theuser]/public_html/admin
cd /home/[theuser]/public_html/admin
ln -s /usr/share/IXcore/admin/ core
Inside the /usr/share/IXcore/admin/ directory, please create an .htaccess file with the following directives:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^/?(.*)$ /admin/core/$1 [L]
And inside the /usr/share/IXcore/catalog/ directory, please create an .htaccess file with the following directives:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^/?(.*)$ /core/$1 [L]
Inside the /usr/share/IXcore/admin directory, also create an images directory:
mkdir /home/[theuser]/public_html/admin/images/
chown apache:apache /home/[theuser]/public_html/admin/images/
chmod g+w /home/[theuser]/public_html/admin/images/
Once your core directories are setup, you will need to create the following directories inside /home/[theuser]:
mkdir /home/[theuser]/cache/
mkdir /home/[theuser]/conf/
mkdir /home/[theuser]/logs/
The directory structure inside /home/[theuser]/ should look like:
You must also create the following configuration files:
Inside your /home/[theuser]/cache/ directory, you will need an empty file called: config_cache.php with appropriate write permissions for Apache.
touch /home/[theuser]/cache/config_cache.php
chown apache:apache /home/[theuser]/cache/config_cache.php
chmod g+w /home/[theuser]/cache/
And inside your /conf/ directory, add the following to a file called configure.php
vi /home/[theuser]/conf/configure.php
Add the following configuration constants:
The ixcore_db_password constant is defined in your Apache's vurtual host as a SetEnv variable. It is then processed using PHP's getenv() function.
The database username and password are what you would set when you setup your database.
Now give the file proper permissions.
chown [theuser] /home/[theuser]/conf/configure.php
chmod g+w /home/[theuser]/conf/configure.php
Important Step - Configuring your virtual host to work with the installation by utilizing the SetEnv function as well as directory structure.
Your virtual host should resemble:
NameVirtualHost [YOURIPADDRESS]:80
<VirtualHost [YOURIPADDRESS]:80>
DocumentRoot /home/[theuser]/public_html
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "\.(gif)|(jpg)|(png)|(bmp)|(css)|(js)|(ico)|(swf)|(txt)|(eot)$" dontlog
ErrorLog /home/[theuser]/logs/error_log
CustomLog /home/[theuser]/logs/access_log combined env=!dontlog
# Your Database Password
SetEnv ixcore_db_password [YOURDBPASSWORD]
<Directory "/home/[theuser]/public_html">
Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AllowOverride All
NameVirtualHost [YOURIPADDRESS]:443
<VirtualHost [YOURIPADDRESS]:443>
ServerName *
DocumentRoot /home/[theuser]/public_html
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "\.(gif)|(jpg)|(png)|(css)|(js)|(ico)|(swf)|(txt)|(eot)$" dontlog
SetEnvIf Request_URI "^/admin/index-menu\.php$" dontlog
SetEnvIf Request_URI "^/mod_pagespeed_beacon$" dontlog
ErrorLog /home/[theuser]/logs/error_log
CustomLog /home/[theuser]/logs/access_log combined env=!dontlog
# Your Database Password
SetEnv ixcore_db_password [YOURDBPASSWORD]
<Directory "/home/[theuser]/public_html">
Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AllowOverride All
SSLEngine on
SSLCACertificateFile "/home/[theuser]/certs/YOURCERTBUNDLE.crt"
SSLCertificateFile "/home/[theuser]/certs/YOURCERTNAME.crt"
SSLCertificateKeyFile "/home/[theuser]/certs/YOURCERTKEYNAME.key"
Remember to replace your database password on the line SetEnv ixcore_db_password [YOURDBPASSWORD].
Now that we have IntenseCart configured, we'll need to create a few more front end directories and default files.
Please create the following directories inside /home/[theuser]/public_html/
mkdir /home/[theuser]/public_html/layout/
mkdir /home/[theuser]/public_html/layout/templates
mkdir /home/[theuser]/public_html/images
mkdir /home/[theuser]/public_html/images/cache
mkdir /home/[theuser]/public_html/local
chown -R apache:apache /home/[theuser]/public_html/images /home/[theuser]/public_html/local
chmod -R g+w /home/[theuser]/public_html/images /home/[theuser]/public_html/local
And inside /home/[theuser]/public_html/layout/ add a file called index_0.php.html
touch /home/[theuser]/public_html/layout/index_0.php.html
A home page example file is outlined below. In this case, there were homepage specific features and structure needed, but normally your tables and design elements would be defined in your templates folder inside /layout/
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/layout/css/featured.css" media="screen">
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