Dead simple plugin to center the currently focused buffer to the middle of the screen.
Creates evenly sized empty buffers on each side of your focused buffer, which acts as padding for your window.
- Plug and play, no configuration required
- Seamless experience with your workflow.
- Multiple tabs support
- Highly customizable experience
- Support split/vsplit windows
- Built-in scratchPad feature
- Themed side buffers
- Fully integrates with neo-tree.nvim, nvim-tree.lua, undotree, tmux, and more!
- Keep your workflow intact
- Neovim >= 0.9 compatibility
- 0.7 and 0.8 support is still available in the 1.x frozen version
Want to see it in action? Take a look at the showcase section
Package manager | Snippet |
-- stable version
use {"shortcuts/no-neck-pain.nvim", tag = "*" }
-- dev version
use {"shortcuts/no-neck-pain.nvim"} |
-- stable version
Plug 'shortcuts/no-neck-pain.nvim', { 'tag': '*' }
-- dev version
Plug 'shortcuts/no-neck-pain.nvim' |
-- stable version
require("lazy").setup({{"shortcuts/no-neck-pain.nvim", version = "*"}})
-- dev version
require("lazy").setup({"shortcuts/no-neck-pain.nvim"}) |
No configuration/setup steps needed! Sit back, relax and call :NoNeckPain
Note: Need some inspiration on customizing your experience? Take a look at the showcase
Click to unfold the full list of options with their default values
Note: The options are also available in Neovim by using:
:h NoNeckPain.options
to see the global plugin options.:h NoNeckPain.bufferOptions
to see the side buffer options.
-- Prints useful logs about triggered events, and reasons actions are executed.
---@type boolean
debug = false,
-- The width of the focused window that will be centered. When the terminal width is less than the `width` option, the side buffers won't be created.
---@type integer|"textwidth"|"colorcolumn"
width = 100,
-- Represents the lowest width value a side buffer should be.
-- This option can be useful when switching window size frequently, example:
-- in full screen screen, width is 210, you define an NNP `width` of 100, which creates each side buffer with a width of 50. If you resize your terminal to the half of the screen, each side buffer would be of width 5 and thereforce might not be useful and/or add "noise" to your workflow.
---@type integer
minSideBufferWidth = 10,
-- Disables the plugin if the last valid buffer in the list have been closed.
---@type boolean
disableOnLastBuffer = false,
-- When `true`, disabling the plugin closes every other windows except the initially focused one.
---@usage: this parameter will be renamed `killAllWindowsOnDisable` in the next major release (^2.x.y).
---@type boolean
killAllBuffersOnDisable = false,
-- When `true`, deleting the main no-neck-pain buffer with `:bd`, `:bdelete` does not disable the plugin, it fallbacks on the newly focused window and refreshes the state by re-creating side-windows if necessary.
---@type boolean
fallbackOnBufferDelete = true,
-- Adds autocmd (@see `:h autocmd`) which aims at automatically enabling the plugin.
---@type table
autocmds = {
-- When `true`, enables the plugin when you start Neovim.
-- If the main window is a side tree (e.g. NvimTree) or a dashboard, the command is delayed until it finds a valid window.
-- The command is cleaned once it has successfuly ran once.
---@type boolean
enableOnVimEnter = false,
-- When `true`, enables the plugin when you enter a new Tab.
-- note: it does not trigger if you come back to an existing tab, to prevent unwanted interfer with user's decisions.
---@type boolean
enableOnTabEnter = false,
-- When `true`, reloads the plugin configuration after a colorscheme change.
---@type boolean
reloadOnColorSchemeChange = false,
-- When `true`, entering one of no-neck-pain side buffer will automatically skip it and go to the next available buffer.
---@type boolean
skipEnteringNoNeckPainBuffer = false,
-- Creates mappings for you to easily interact with the exposed commands.
---@type table
mappings = {
-- When `true`, creates all the mappings that are not set to `false`.
---@type boolean
enabled = false,
-- Sets a global mapping to Neovim, which allows you to toggle the plugin.
-- When `false`, the mapping is not created.
---@type string
toggle = "<Leader>np",
-- Sets a global mapping to Neovim, which allows you to toggle the left side buffer.
-- When `false`, the mapping is not created.
---@type string
toggleLeftSide = "<Leader>nql",
-- Sets a global mapping to Neovim, which allows you to toggle the right side buffer.
-- When `false`, the mapping is not created.
---@type string
toggleRightSide = "<Leader>nqr",
-- Sets a global mapping to Neovim, which allows you to increase the width (+5) of the main window.
-- When `false`, the mapping is not created.
---@type string | { mapping: string, value: number }
widthUp = "<Leader>n=",
-- Sets a global mapping to Neovim, which allows you to decrease the width (-5) of the main window.
-- When `false`, the mapping is not created.
---@type string | { mapping: string, value: number }
widthDown = "<Leader>n-",
-- Sets a global mapping to Neovim, which allows you to toggle the scratchPad feature.
-- When `false`, the mapping is not created.
---@type string
scratchPad = "<Leader>ns",
--- Common options that are set to both side buffers.
--- See |NoNeckPain.bufferOptions| for option scoped to the `left` and/or `right` buffer.
---@type table
buffers = {
-- When `true`, the side buffers will be named `no-neck-pain-left` and `no-neck-pain-right` respectively.
---@type boolean
setNames = false,
-- Leverages the side buffers as notepads, which work like any Neovim buffer and automatically saves its content at the given `location`.
-- note: quitting an unsaved scratchPad buffer is non-blocking, and the content is still saved.
--- see |NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsScratchPad|
scratchPad = NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsScratchPad,
-- colors to apply to both side buffers, for buffer scopped options @see |NoNeckPain.bufferOptions|
--- see |NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsColors|
colors = NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsColors,
-- Vim buffer-scoped options: any `` options is accepted here.
---@see NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsBo `:h NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsBo`
bo = NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsBo,
-- Vim window-scoped options: any `vim.wo` options is accepted here.
---@see NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsWo `:h NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsWo`
wo = NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsWo,
--- Options applied to the `left` buffer, options defined here overrides the `buffers` ones.
---@see NoNeckPain.bufferOptions `:h NoNeckPain.bufferOptions`
left = NoNeckPain.bufferOptions,
--- Options applied to the `right` buffer, options defined here overrides the `buffers` ones.
---@see NoNeckPain.bufferOptions `:h NoNeckPain.bufferOptions`
right = NoNeckPain.bufferOptions,
-- Supported integrations that might clash with `no-neck-pain.nvim`'s behavior.
-- The `position` is used when the plugin scans the layout in order to compute the width that should be added
-- on each side. For example, if you were supposed to have a padding of 100 columns on each side, but an
-- integration takes 42, only 58 will be added so your layout is still centered.
-- If `reopen` is set to `false`, we won't account the width but close the integration when encountered.
---@type table
integrations = {
-- @link
---@type table
NvimTree = {
-- The position of the tree.
---@type "left"|"right"
position = "left",
-- When `true`, if the tree was opened before enabling the plugin, we will reopen it.
---@type boolean
reopen = true,
-- @link
NeoTree = {
-- The position of the tree.
---@type "left"|"right"
position = "left",
-- When `true`, if the tree was opened before enabling the plugin, we will reopen it.
reopen = true,
-- @link
undotree = {
-- The position of the tree.
---@type "left"|"right"
position = "left",
-- @link
neotest = {
-- The position of the tree.
---@type "right"
position = "right",
-- When `true`, if the tree was opened before enabling the plugin, we will reopen it.
reopen = true,
-- @link
TSPlayground = {
-- The position of the tree.
---@type "right"|"left"
position = "right",
-- When `true`, if the tree was opened before enabling the plugin, we will reopen it.
reopen = true,
-- @link
NvimDAPUI = {
-- The position of the tree.
---@type "none"
position = "none",
-- When `true`, if the tree was opened before enabling the plugin, we will reopen it.
reopen = true,
-- @link
outline = {
-- The position of the tree.
---@type "left"|"right"
position = "right",
-- When `true`, if the tree was opened before enabling the plugin, we will reopen it.
reopen = true,
-- @link
aerial = {
-- The position of the tree.
---@type "left"|"right"
position = "right",
-- When `true`, if the tree was opened before enabling the plugin, we will reopen it.
reopen = true,
--- NoNeckPain's buffer `vim.wo` options.
---@see window options `:h vim.wo`
---@type table
--- Default values:
---@eval return MiniDoc.afterlines_to_code(MiniDoc.current.eval_section)
NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsWo = {
---@type boolean
cursorline = false,
---@type boolean
cursorcolumn = false,
---@type string
colorcolumn = "0",
---@type boolean
number = false,
---@type boolean
relativenumber = false,
---@type boolean
foldenable = false,
---@type boolean
list = false,
---@type boolean
wrap = true,
---@type boolean
linebreak = true,
--- NoNeckPain's buffer `` options.
---@see buffer options `:h`
---@type table
--- Default values:
---@eval return MiniDoc.afterlines_to_code(MiniDoc.current.eval_section)
NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsBo = {
---@type string
filetype = "no-neck-pain",
---@type string
buftype = "nofile",
---@type string
bufhidden = "hide",
---@type boolean
buflisted = false,
---@type boolean
swapfile = false,
--- NoNeckPain's scratchPad buffer options.
--- Leverages the side buffers as notepads, which work like any Neovim buffer and automatically saves its content at the given `location`.
--- note: quitting an unsaved scratchPad buffer is non-blocking, and the content is still saved.
---@type table
--- Default values:
---@eval return MiniDoc.afterlines_to_code(MiniDoc.current.eval_section)
NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsScratchPad = {
-- When `true`, automatically sets the following options to the side buffers:
-- - `autowriteall`
-- - `autoread`.
---@type boolean
enabled = false,
-- The name of the generated file. See `location` for more information.
-- /!\ deprecated /!\ use `pathToFile` instead.
---@type string
---@example: `no-neck-pain-left.norg`
---@deprecated: use `pathToFile` instead.
fileName = "no-neck-pain",
-- By default, files are saved at the same location as the current Neovim session.
-- note: filetype is defaulted to `norg` (, but can be changed in `` or |NoNeckPain.bufferOptions| for option scoped to the `left` and/or `right` buffer.
-- /!\ deprecated /!\ use `pathToFile` instead.
---@type string?
---@example: `no-neck-pain-left.norg`
---@deprecated: use `pathToFile` instead.
location = nil,
-- The path to the file to save the scratchPad content to and load it in the buffer.
---@type string?
---@example: `~/notes.norg`
pathToFile = "",
--- NoNeckPain's buffer color options.
---@type table
--- Default values:
---@eval return MiniDoc.afterlines_to_code(MiniDoc.current.eval_section)
NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsColors = {
-- Hexadecimal color code to override the current background color of the buffer. (e.g. #24273A)
-- Transparent backgrounds are supported by default.
-- popular theme are supported by their name:
-- - catppuccin-frappe
-- - catppuccin-frappe-dark
-- - catppuccin-latte
-- - catppuccin-latte-dark
-- - catppuccin-macchiato
-- - catppuccin-macchiato-dark
-- - catppuccin-mocha
-- - catppuccin-mocha-dark
-- - github-nvim-theme-dark
-- - github-nvim-theme-dimmed
-- - github-nvim-theme-light
-- - rose-pine
-- - rose-pine-dawn
-- - rose-pine-moon
-- - tokyonight-day
-- - tokyonight-moon
-- - tokyonight-night
-- - tokyonight-storm
---@type string?
background = nil,
-- Brighten (positive) or darken (negative) the side buffers background color. Accepted values are [-1..1].
---@type integer
blend = 0,
-- Hexadecimal color code to override the current text color of the buffer. (e.g. #7480c2)
---@type string?
text = nil,
--- NoNeckPain's buffer side buffer option.
---@type table
--- Default values:
---@eval return MiniDoc.afterlines_to_code(MiniDoc.current.eval_section)
NoNeckPain.bufferOptions = {
-- When `false`, the buffer won't be created.
---@type boolean
enabled = true,
---@see NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsColors `:h NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsColors`
colors = NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsColors,
---@see NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsBo `:h NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsBo`
bo = NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsBo,
---@see NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsWo `:h NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsWo`
wo = NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsWo,
---@see NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsScratchPad `:h NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsScratchPad`
scratchPad = NoNeckPain.bufferOptionsScratchPad,
Command | Description |
:NoNeckPain |
Toggles the plugin state, between enable and disable. |
:NoNeckPainResize INT |
Updates the config width with the given INT value and resizes the no-neck-pain windows. |
:NoNeckPainToggleLeftSide |
Toggles the left side buffer (open/close). |
:NoNeckPainToggleRightSide |
Toggles the right side buffer (open/close). |
:NoNeckPainWidthUp |
Increases the config width by 5 and resizes the no-neck-pain windows. |
:NoNeckPainWidthDown |
Decreases the config width by 5 and resizes the no-neck-pain windows. |
:NoNeckPainScratchPad |
Uses the side buffers as a persistent scratchpad so you can take notes easily. |
See the release description for the full list of breaking changes.
See the release description for the full list of breaking changes.
PRs and issues are always welcome. Make sure to provide as much context as possible when opening one.
See Makefile for the available commands
It's recommended to use Bob, a useful nvim version manager in order to run the test suite for every supported versions.
You can find guides and showcase of the plugin on the Wiki
Although there's other (amazing!) alternatives that provide a zen-distraction-free-center mode, they usually make assumptions that might alter your workflow, or at least require some configuration to suit your needs.
aims at providing a seamless non-opinionated buffer centering experience, while being super customizable.