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WBInterface help

sikvelsigma edited this page Apr 23, 2020 · 1 revision

The following is valid for WBInterface version 2.0.5



out_file: returns a name of a file in which output parameters would be written

full_file: returns a name of a file in which Workbench report would be written

Read only

DPs: returns a list of Ansys Workbench Design Points

DPs_count: returns a tuple of Design Points count: (imported, present)

filename: returns a name of an opened project

logfile: returns a name of a log file

isopen: returns if a project has been opened

parameters: returns a tuple of dicts (input parameters, output parameters)



Input arguments (with default values):

  • logger = None

In case of a logger = None WBInterface will automatically create a Logger class from a Logger module with filename='log.txt'. You can pass any existing Logger class object as an argument.

  • out_file='output.txt'

Sets a name of a file where output parameters will be written.

  • full_report_file='full_report.txt'

Sets a name of a file where Workbench report will be written.

  • control_file_template='*_control.csv'

A string template to search for a control file. Control file is a csv file which contains a list of Workbench inpup/output parameters. Example:

# type 'no' to skip inputs
# type 'no' to skip outputs
  • input_file_template='*_input.csv'

A string template to search for an input file. Input files is a csv file which a list of input parameters specified in a control file in the same order. Each line is a new Design Point. Example:


This will create 3 Design Points.

  • csv_delim=','

Sets a delimiter for control and input files.

  • csv_skip='no'

Sets a string for input file that will indicate there are no parameters specified.

  • loginfo=None

Provides a prefix for each line written by a logger inside WBInterface. If loginfo=None the constructor will set this values to a class name. Each line written by an instance of the class will have this format:

(1) [2020-04-23 21:46:56] WBInterface|| Some Message

If loginfo='SomePrefix:' then each line will have this format:

(1) [2020-04-23 21:46:56] SomePrefix: Some Message
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