CKEditor component for Blazor Applications
dotnet add package Sitko.Blazor.CKEditor
Register in DI and configure in Program.cs
and appsettings.json
"CKEditor": {
"ScriptPath": "",
"EditorClassName": "ClassicEditor"
Or in code:
services.AddCKEditor(Configuration, options =>
options.ScriptPath = "";
options.EditorClassName = "ClassicEditor";
If you have custom build or separate css file - configure it via StylePath:
"CKEditor": {
"ScriptPath": "/ckeditor/ckeditor.js",
"StylePath": "/ckeditor/ckeditor.css",
"EditorClassName": "ClassicEditor"
services.AddCKEditor(Configuration, options =>
options.ScriptPath = "/ckeditor/ckeditor.js";
options.StylePath = "/ckeditor/ckeditor.css";
options.EditorClassName = "ClassicEditor";
It is recommended to use separate css file with new blazor navigation and Auto render mode.
Add to App.razor
<script src="_content/Sitko.Blazor.CKEditor/ckeditor.js"></script>
Don't forget to link ckeditor js/css files
Add to _Imports.razor
@using Sitko.Blazor.CKEditor
<CKEditor @bind-Value="@Model.Field"></CKEditor>
This package includes basic ckeditor build with light and dark themes. Install:
dotnet add package Sitko.Blazor.CKEditor.Bundle
Instead of AddCKEditor
and to appsettings.json
"CKEditorBundle": {
"Theme": "Dark"