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LUA Help!

sonicfan888 edited this page Feb 3, 2022 · 1 revision

This page will help you how to find lua scripts.

So here is a list for Lua scripts you can find! 1.get the epic action bulid: 2.make your stage lua 3.put in the following code

function onCreate() makeLuaSprite('disruptor', 'disruptor', -500, -100); setLuaSpriteScrollFactor('disruptor', 0.9, 0.9); addGlitchEffect('disruptor', 2,2) addLuaSprite('disruptor') end

REPLACE DISRUPTOR WITH YOUR BACKGROUND NAME! 2,5 is the most similar one to Furiosity and other stuff.

an alternate effect is addPulseEffect, but it might be different.

All the other effects: addChromaticAbberationEffect(camera:String, chromeOffset:Float = 0.005) addScanlineEffect(camera:String, lockAlpha:Bool=falsel) addGrainEffect(camera:String, grainSize:Float, lumAmount:Float, lockAlpha:Bool=false) addTiltshiftEffect(camera:String, blurAmount:Float, center:Float) addGlitchEffect(camera:String, waveSpeed:Float = 0.1, waveFrq:Float = 0.1, waveAmp:Float = 0.1) addPulseEffect(camera:String, waveSpeed:Float = 0.1, waveFrq:Float = 0.1, waveAmp:Float = 0.1) addDistortionEffect(camera:String, waveSpeed:Float = 0.1, waveFrq:Float = 0.1, waveAmp:Float = 0.1) addInvertEffect(camera:String, lockAlpha:Bool=false) addGreyscaleEffect(camera:String) OR addGrayscaleEffect add3DEffect(camera:String, xrotation:Float=0, yrotation:Float=0, zrotation:Float=0, depth:Float=0) addBloomEffect(camera:String, intensity:Float = 0.35, blurSize:Float=1.0)

OTHER USEFUL Lua Scripts: This is how many lua scripts i earned from people. function onCreate() --Iterate over all notes for i = 0, getProperty('unspawnNotes.length')-1 do --Check if the note is an Instakill Note if getPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'noteType') == 'Negative Note' then setPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'texture', 'NegativeNOTE_assets'); --Change texture

		if getPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'mustPress') then --Doesn't let Dad/Opponent notes get ignored
			setPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'ignoreNote', true); --Miss has no penalties
--debugPrint('Script started!')


function goodNoteHit(id, noteData, noteType, isSustainNote) if noteType == 'Negative Note' then playSound('bambpwn', 1) setProperty('health', -0.01); end end This is an note that instakills you and plays an sound when you hit the note. credits to frantastic24 and matt-sudo-jpg HITNOTE SOUNDS :D

function goodNoteHit(id, direction, noteType, isSustainNote) if not isSustainNote then playSound('ChartingTick', 0.5); end end

MOVING CHAR setProperty('dad/boyfriend/gf.x', add the number and you can choose from dad, bf or gf); setProperty('dad/boyfriend/gf.y', same but for the y);

Rotating hud function onUpdate() --ur mom songPos = getSongPosition() local currentBeat = (songPos/5000)(curBpm/60) doTweenAngle('GUITTween','camHUD', 10math.sin((currentBeat+40.25) math.pi), 0.5) end

Play sound playSound('gunshot', 1) RENAME GUNSHOT to whatever your sound name is. Useful for animations that play sounds.

DISABLE GHOST TAPPING local keepGhost = false

function onCreate() keepGhost = getPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'ghostTapping'); setPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'ghostTapping', false); end

function onDestroy() if keepGhost then setPropertyFromClass('ClientPrefs', 'middleScroll', true); end end

Source Code Thing for this page: In PlayState.hx, search for canMiss = true set it to false You have disabled anti mash

JUDGEMENT COUNTER function onCreatePost() makeLuaText('sicks', 'Sicks:' .. getProperty('sicks'), 200, 0, 375); makeLuaText('goods', 'Goods:' .. getProperty('goods'), 200, 0, 400); makeLuaText('bads', 'Bads:' .. getProperty('bads'), 200, 0, 425); makeLuaText('shits', 'Shits:' .. getProperty('shits'), 200, 0, 450); addLuaText('sicks'); addLuaText('goods'); addLuaText('bads'); addLuaText('shits'); end

function onRecalculateRating() setTextString('sicks', 'Sicks:' .. getProperty('sicks')); setTextString('goods', 'Goods:' .. getProperty('goods')); setTextString('bads', 'Bads:' .. getProperty('bads')); setTextString('shits', 'Shits:' .. getProperty('shits')); end

UNFAIRNESS MODCHART noteTweenX(defaultPlayerStrumX0, 4, ((screenWidth / 2) - (157 / 2)) + (math.sin((currentBeat) + 0) * 300), 0.001) noteTweenX(defaultPlayerStrumX1, 5, ((screenWidth / 2) - (157 / 2)) + (math.sin((currentBeat) + 1) * 300), 0.001) noteTweenX(defaultPlayerStrumX2, 6, ((screenWidth / 2) - (157 / 2)) + (math.sin((currentBeat) + 2) * 300), 0.001) noteTweenX(defaultPlayerStrumX3, 7, ((screenWidth / 2) - (157 / 2)) + (math.sin((currentBeat) + 3) * 300), 0.001) noteTweenY('defaultPlayerStrumY0', 4, ((screenHeight / 2) - (157 / 2)) + (math.cos((currentBeat) + 0) * 300), 0.001) noteTweenY('defaultPlayerStrumY1', 5, ((screenHeight / 2) - (157 / 2)) + (math.cos((currentBeat) + 1) * 300), 0.001) noteTweenY('defaultPlayerStrumY2', 6, ((screenHeight / 2) - (157 / 2)) + (math.cos((currentBeat) + 2) * 300), 0.001) noteTweenY('defaultPlayerStrumY3', 7, ((screenHeight / 2) - (157 / 2)) + (math.cos((currentBeat) + 3) * 300), 0.001) noteTweenX('fake1', 0, ((screenWidth / 2) - (157 / 2)) + (math.sin((currentBeat) + (4) * 2) * 300), 0.001) noteTweenX('fake2', 1, ((screenWidth / 2) - (157 / 2)) + (math.sin((currentBeat) + (5) * 2) * 300), 0.001) noteTweenX('fake3', 2, ((screenWidth / 2) - (157 / 2)) + (math.sin((currentBeat) + (6) * 2) * 300), 0.001) noteTweenX('fake4', 3, ((screenWidth / 2) - (157 / 2)) + (math.sin((currentBeat) + (7) * 2) * 300), 0.001) noteTweenY('defaultFPlayerStrumY0', 0, ((screenHeight / 2) - (157 / 2)) + (math.cos((currentBeat) + (4) * 2) * 300), 0.001) noteTweenY('defaultFPlayerStrumY1', 1, ((screenHeight / 2) - (157 / 2)) + (math.cos((currentBeat) + (5) * 2) * 300), 0.001) noteTweenY('defaultFPlayerStrumY2', 2, ((screenHeight / 2) - (157 / 2)) + (math.cos((currentBeat) + (6) * 2) * 300), 0.001) noteTweenY('defaultFPlayerStrumY3', 3, ((screenHeight / 2) - (157 / 2)) + (math.cos((currentBeat) + (7) * 2) * 300), 0.001)

ok thats enough bye

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