$ git clone git@github.com/su-bitcoding/firebase_web_notifications_sent.git
$ cd firebase_web_notifications_sent
$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python manage.py migrate
$ python manage.py runserver
And navigate to
your firebase a project when you sent a notifications in project settings in you create a web app that you can get a config file
your firebase a project in a settings in service account in generate a key file
your firebase a project in a settings in cloud messaging in generate a keypair is your vapidKey
curl --location '' \
--header 'Cookie: csrftoken=IrIwJfkiZR7W5l6rauazusaybAesDtFP' \
--form 'token="your generate a frontend side token "' \
--form 'title="hello Testing"' \
--form 'body="testing"'