an ensemble learning algorithm that uses the calibrated nature of the output probability of possibly very different classifiers in an unsupervised setting well-suited for problems when we have scant data at hand to apply supervised ensemble learning.
- required packages: caret, tidyverse, tictoc, doParallel, data.table, ggpubr
- recommended packages for various classifiers: kernlab, lme4, coin, modeltools, arm, party, earth, RSNNS, C50, glmnet
Clone the repository and then load FiDEL.Rproj
using R-Studio and build/install
R> install.packages('devtools')
R> install_github('sungcheolkim78/FiDEL')
folder: Rmarkdown file to generate figures in the submitted paperUCI
folder: examples of FiDEL method to apply on the cases in UCI data sets (Sonar, Bank, Iono, Yeast, Mushroom, Seismic)kaggle
folder: examples of FiDEL method to apply on the case in kaggle competitions (CATII, WestNile, Porto)
# generate labels
y <- create.labels(N = 100000, rho=0.5)
# generate scores with a specific AUC from gaussian distribution
gs <- create.scores.gaussian(y, auc=0.9, tol = 0.0001)
# create pcr data
pcrd <- pcr(gs, y, sample_size=100, sample_n=1000)
# save plot
plot.pcr(pcrd, fname='results/Figure1.pdf')
# create beta mu dataframe
auclist <- (2:48)*0.01 + 0.5
rholist <- (2:18)*0.05
res <- create_beta_mu(auclist, rholist, N=1)
# convert to matrix
rhoN <- length(unique(res$rho))
AUCN <- length(unique(res$AUC))
rho <- unique(res$rho)
AUC <- unique(res$AUC)
beta <- matrix(res$beta, nrow=rhoN, ncol=AUCN)
mu <- matrix(res$mu, nrow=rhoN, ncol=AUCN)
# plot
pdf('results/Figure2.pdf', width=12, height=6)
par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
persp(rho, AUC, beta, theta = 30, phi = 15, shade=.3, ticktype='detailed', expand=.8, scale=T)
persp(rho, AUC, mu, theta = 30, phi = 15, shade=.3, ticktype='detailed', expand=.8, scale=T)
create dataframe with AUC list and the prevalence list. This might take around 3 minutes.
rholist <- c(0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9)
auclist <- create.auclist(0.6, 0.98, 10)
N0 <- 50000
res <- data.table()
for(r in rholist) {
for (a in auclist) {
# create test sets using AUC and prevalence
y <- create.labels(N=N0, rho=r)
gs <- create.scores.gaussian(y, auc=a)
ds <- build_curve(gs, y)
info <- attr(ds, 'info')
# calculate confidence interval using pROC package
ds_roc <- roc(y, gs)
ds_ci <- ci(ds_roc)
# data frame
tmp <- data.table(N=length(y), rho=attr(y,'rho'), auc=a, auc_bac=info$auc_bac,
auprc=info$auprc, th_bac=info$th_bac, rstar=info$rstar,
pxxy=info$Pxxy, pxyy=info$Pxyy, sig_auc=sqrt(info$var_auc),
res <- rbind(res, tmp)
# create sub-figure A
g1 <- ggplot(data=tmp) +
geom_point(aes(y=rstar, x=th_bac)) +
geom_abline(slope=1, linetype='dashed') + theme_classic() +
ylab(TeX('r_{FD}/N')) + xlab(TeX('r_{bac}/N')) +
xlim(c(0.1,0.9)) + ylim(c(0.1,0.9))
# create sub-figure B
gb2 <- ggplot(data=res) +
geom_point(aes(x=sig_auc_delong, y=sig_auc)) +
geom_abline(slope=1, linetype='dashed') + theme_classic() +
xlab(TeX('$\\sigma_{AUC}$ (Delong)')) + ylab(TeX('$\\sigma_{AUC}$ (FD)')) +
g <- ggarrange(g1, gb2, labels=c('A', 'B'), ncol=2, nrow=1)
ggsave("results/Figure3.pdf", width=7, height=3.5)
This figure needs multiple steps of the data preparation and training models. We prepared the detailed explanations in
inside the kaggle