This plugin provides basic CouchDB access to Super Model
* Require Super Model
var sm = require('super-model');
* Add a data source
protocol: 'http',
host: 'localhost',
port: '5984'
* Create your instance of a User Model
var User = sm.clone({
mapping: { //used to normalize imported keys to model values
em: 'email',
fn: 'first_name',
ln: 'last_name',
ps: 'password'
filters: { //used to filter values at set time
email: function(val){
//do email validation
return val;
password: function(val){
//hash your password
return md5(val); //pseudo code
}, 'couchdb', {
database: 'user_database'
* Now use your new data source access methods!
var user = new User;
user.find(1, //find user with id == 1
function(){ //callback once user is retrieved
var email = this.get('email');
console.log(email); //check email returned
this.set('email', ''); //set email to new value{ //save the record
console.log('saved', this.export()); //shows updated data and new revision
* Or user promises!
console.log(this.export()); //got your user info!!
this.set('email', '');{
console.log('User saved!');
}, function(err){
console.log('Error saving your user!', err);
}, function(err){
console.log('Failed to find that user!', err);