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This package contains common math functionality useful in higher level robotics algorithms, implemented using Eigen.

Commonly used datatypes include

  • vectors: see eigenmath/types.h
  • rotations: see eigenmath::SO2|3
  • poses: see eigenmath::Pose2|3

Random values


To test functions on eigenmath data types, use the provided tools (see eigenmath/(distribution.h|sampling.h|matchers.h)) for unit tests. Tests should be deterministic. Other tests exploring a range of inputs should be excluded from test suites, and should be run manually. Using random values in tests should only be seen as a basic check of some functionality. If failing inputs are discovered in production or fuzzing, add those inputs as separate test cases.

The recommended use of sampling in tests is shown in eigenmath/ at ExtendToOrthonormalBasisRandomValues

Although the eigenmath library is developed on top of Eigen, avoid using Eigen's sampling methods, including Random() and setRandom(). In particular, use a named pseudo random number generator and a fixed seed in your test. For example, if you have a test

TEST(SomeFunction, BasicTest) {
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
    Vector3d x = Vector3d::Random().normalized();

you can change it to

TEST(SomeFunction, BasicTestRandomValues) {
  auto generator = TestGenerator(kGeneratorTestSeed);
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
    UniformDistributionUnitVector3d unit_vector_dist;
    Vector3d x = unit_vector_dist(generator);

and add an optional test for edge cases

TEST(SomeFunction, BasicTestEdgeCases) {
  const Vector3d edge_cases[] = {{0.0, 1.0, -1.0}};
  for (const Vector3d& x : edge_cases) {


If you need randomness in an algorithm, consider whether a sequence such as the Halton sequence (see eigenmath::HaltonSequence) would be appropriate for your use case. Try to handle the sequence's state so that the behavior in production can be reproducable. This is especially important for debugging. Also, when using multiple sequences (or using multiple samples from a sequence, for example to build a vector or pose), ensure that you do not suffer from dependencies between the samples.

If you must use a random number generator in an algorithm, consult go/cpp-random-numbers. The random number tools provided here are not checked for suitability outside tests.

Scalar types and implementation details

Types in eigenmath are templated on the scalar type, e.g. eigenmath::Pose3<Scalar>. Most commonly, Scalar is instantiated with float or double. However, this library is designed in a way so that most types and functions can be used inside Ceres' optimization loop and especially with Ceres autodifferentiation. In this case, Scalar is instantiated with the templated type ceres::Jet<T, N>. See include/ceres/jet.h for details.

Therefore, it is a common pattern in this library to use using-declarations for common math functions (abs, cos, sin, ...), since the correspsonding function for ceres::Jet<T, N> are not defined in the std namespace. Instead, they are defined in the ceres namespace so they can be found using argument-dependent lookup (ADL).