Main fixes/workarounds in this release:
● With a new tool in Qt ≥ 5.12, menus that are drawn by Kvantum are completely separated from those drawn by stylesheets — for preventing displacement of stylesheet menus.
● Redundant computations are prevented after a menu is shown.
● The standard color palette is set to Kvantum palette to prevent bad application codes from enforcing wrong colors.
● Bold or italic fonts aren't forced on combo or menu-item texts (the required size computation might not be CPU-friendly).
● The disabled state of dials is added.
Among other changes:
● Remember whether some elements exist in the SVG file, instead of searching for them frequently.
● Partially rounded corners are preserved as far as possible when an application has a wrong styling code.
● A key is added to Kvantum Manager for removing Kvantum shadows from composited menus and tooltips (can be useful with compositors that give them shadow).
● Set the minimum required Qt version to 5.9.0 (although some features wouldn't work with it).