utility container for simplified execution of imperative commands in each of the patterns.
name | type | version |
ansible | pip | 2.16.14 |
ansible.posix | collection | 2.0.0 |
ansible-runner | pip | 2.4.0 |
ansible.utils | collection | 5.1.2 |
argocd | binary | v2.9.7+fbb6b20 |
awscli | pip | 1.36.34 |
awx.awx | collection | 24.6.1 |
awxkit | pip | 24.6.1 |
azure-cli | pip | 2.67.0 |
boto3 | pip | 1.35.93 |
botocore | pip | 1.35.93 |
community.general | collection | 10.2.0 |
community.okd | collection | 4.0.1 |
gcloud | pip | 0.18.3 |
git-core | package | 2.43.5 |
hcp | binary | 4.17.0 |
helm | binary | v3.13.3 |
infra.ah_configuration | collection | 2.1.0 |
infra.controller_configuration | collection | 2.11.0 |
infra.eda_configuration | collection | 1.1.0 |
jmespath | pip | 1.0.1 |
jq | package | 1.6 |
kubernetes.core | collection | 5.0.0 |
kubernetes | pip | 31.0.0 |
kustomize | binary | v5.0.1 |
make | package | 4.3 |
openshift | binary | 4.14.20 |
pytest | pip | 8.3.4 |
python3-pip | package | 21.3.1 |
python | package | 3.11.9 |
redhat_cop.controller_configuration | collection | 2.3.1 |
rhvp.cluster_utils | collection | 1.0.2 |
sshpass | package | 1.09 |
tar | package | 1.34 |
tea | binary | 0.9.2 |
tekton | binary | 0.35.2 |
vi | package | 8.2.2637 |
vp-qe-test-common | pip | 0.1.0 |
Pull the image
podman pull quay.io/hybridcloudpatterns/utility-container:latest
Use image to execute a playbook
podman run -it --rm --net=host quay.io/hybridcloudpatterns/utility-container:latest ansible-playbook <playbook>.yml
Just run: make build
and both amd64 and arm64 will be built locally (you will need the qemu-user-static package installed)
To upload the image to the official repository, run: make UPLOADREGISTRY=quay.io/hybridcloudpatterns upload
(by default it uploads somewhere else
to try and avoid accidental uploads)