This package provides lightweight methods for mesh I/O. The input interface is based on the Python project meshio. The supported formats include:
Abaqus (
), ANSYS msh (.msh
), AVS-UCD (.avs
), CGNS (.cgns
), DOLFIN XML (.xml
), Exodus (.e
), FLAC3D (.f3grid
), H5M (.h5m
), Kratos/MDPA (.mdpa
), Medit (.mesh
), MED/Salome (.med
), Nastran (bulk data,.bdf
), Neuroglancer precomputed format, Gmsh (format versions 2.2, 4.0, and 4.1,.msh
), OBJ (.obj
), OFF (.off
), PERMAS (.post
), PLY (.ply
), STL (.stl
), Tecplot(.dat
), TetGen(.node/.ele
), SVG (2D output only) (.svg
), SU2 (.su2
), UGRID (.ugrid
), VTK (.vtk
), VTU (.vtu
), WKT (TIN) (.wkt
), XDMF (.xdmf
FiniteMesh.jl is a registered package in the official Julia package registry. We recommend installing it with the built-in Julia package manager. From the Julia REPL, you can get into the package manager (by pressing ]) and add the package. This will automatically install the package and all its dependencies.
julia> ]
(v1.11) pkg> add FiniteMesh
To read a mesh, simply do
using FiniteMesh
cells, points = read_mesh("path-of-mesh-file")
The resulting points
are the coordinates of nodes, and cells
provides the affiliation information of these points to cell IDs.
The connectivity calculator is provided with native Julia.
The following information can be inferred from cells
and points
- Node IDs of a face
- Adjacent cell IDs of a face
- Neighbor cell IDs of a cell
- Cell type (inner / boundary)
- Cell volume
- Face area
- Cell center location
- Face center location
- Unit normal vector of a face
For convenience, a Mesh
struct is defined to contain all the above information as its fields.
It can be constructed simply via
mesh = Mesh("path-of-mesh-file")