Atomic charge schemes, dubbed Adjusted Charge Partitioning (ACP) and Iterative Adjusted Charge Partitioning (I-ACP), are based on a Hirshfeld-like scheme in which weighting factors cA r2n–2exp(–αAr) are used to partition the valence molecular electron density into atomic components. In the ACP method, both parameters αA and cA are pre-defined. In the I-ACP method only αA is fixed, while cA is determined iteratively in every calculations.
Built-in parameters are available for 17 main-group elements H, Li to F, Na to Cl, Br, and I. In addition, in the case of the I-ACP method, the αTi is available for titanium. Users are free to introduce and to use their own parameters for any element.
The ACP scheme is non-iterative, therefore simple and reliable. The I-ACP scheme is more flexible and equally reliable, but the calculation is slightly more expensive. Both ACP and I-ACP are specifically designed for the resulting atomic charges to accurately reproduce the molecular dipole moment.
The ACP atomic charges can be calculated by the program ACP:
ACP.exe – Windows version
ACP.x – Linux version
Similarly, the program I-ACP serves to calculate the Iterative ACP charges:
I-ACP.exe – Windows version
I-ACP.x – Linux version
Both programs can be downloaded here free of charge
Once you use any results calculated by the ACP
or I-ACP programs, you have to include the following citations:
For the ACP program:
1. S.F.Vyboishchikov, ACP program, Girona, 2018
2. A.A.Voityuk, A.J.Stasyuk, S.F.Vyboishchikov, "A simple
model for calculating atomic charges in molecules"
2018, 20, 23328–23337, DOI: 10.1039/c8cp03764g
For the I-ACP program:
1. S.F.Vyboishchikov, I-ACP program, Girona, 2018
2. S.F.Vyboishchikov, A.A.Voityuk, "Iterative atomic-charge
partitioning of valence electron density"
J. Comp. Chem., 2019, 40, 875–884,
DOI: 10.1002/jcc.25771
Questions related to the ACP and I-ACP methods should be addressed to Alexander Voityuk or Sergei Vyboishchikov. Specific questions about the programs should be addressed to Sergei Vyboishchikov.
The programs use a Gaussian WFN file produced
by the Gaussian option OUTPUT=WFN
and is invoked from a Linux or Windows command line interpreter as follows:
For the ACP program:
ACP.exe file.wfn
ACP.exe file.wfn
[[<option> <parameter> ] [<option>
<parameter> ... ]]
I-ACP.exe file.wfn
I-ACP.exe file.wfn [[<option> <parameter> ] [<option> <parameter> ... ]]
Here file.wfn is a WFN file name.
radial_grid is the number of radial gridpoints per atom (default: 120)
angular_grid is the number of angular gridpoints per atom (default: 302)
element_number αA
option serves to define or re-define αA
and cA parameters for element element_number.
In the case of the I-ACP method, the cA parameter
has to be omitted.
The -user option can be repeated for as many elements as needed.