We consider the problem where multiple rigid convex polygonal objects rest in randomly placed positions and orientations on a planar surface visible from an overhead camera. The objective is to efficiently grasp and transport all objects into a bin. Specifically, we explore multi-object push-grasps where multiple objects are pushed together before the grasp can occur. We provide necessary conditions for multi-object push-grasps and apply these to filter inadmissible grasps in a novel multi-object grasp planner. We find that our planner is 19 times faster than a Mujoco simulator baseline. We also propose a picking algorithm that uses both single- and multi-object grasps to pick objects. In physical grasping experiments, compared to a single-object picking baseline, we find that the multi-object grasping system achieves 13.6% higher grasp success and is 59.9% faster.
Here, we provide the source code for our implementation.
More information can be found in our paper ISRR 2022
1. Create and activate a virtual environment (Code was tested with Ubuntu16.04 and python3.5)
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.5 venv ; source venv/bin/activate
2. Install Physics Simulator Mujoco and dm_control in virtual env
Follow instructions from Deepmind's dm_control project
3. Install other required python packages
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
4. Clone this repo/ Download and extract zip file.
$ git clone https://github.com/wisdomagboh/multi-object-grasping.git
5. Run setup.py to place custom domains into 'suite'
$ python3.5 setup/setup.py
1. Simulation experiments
$ bash run_exps.sh
2. Generate simulation results
$ python sim_plots_summary.py
3. Physical picking experiments - launch two ros nodes.
$ python3.5 rw_planner.py
$ python3.5 arm_motion_generator.py 'grasp_type (MOG or SOG)' 'scene_number'
4. Generate physical experimental results
$ python rw_table_data.py
For all queries please contact Wisdom Agboh (wisdomagboh@gmail.com)
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.