A Android Game Automation Tool
** Due to recent the game update, this tool can no longer generate new game account automatically. **
- Window OS
- Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable
- NoxPlayer Emulator
- Brutal Age.apk (Preferred v8.1.1)
- Java Programming Language
- Basic linux CMD
- ABD - Android Development Bridge
- Burtal Age game experience...
- Import the project in Intellij or any Java IDE
- Restroe Dependencies
- Run the app
When the app run first time, it will generate a ba_config file in your user folder. Make sure to config setting is correct based on your device. The setting can also modify under the application setting dialog.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<noxPath>C:\Program Files (x86)/Nox/bin</noxPath>
- Active game instance
- Select NoxPlayer instance and specify a directory to store accounts
- Connecting to the NoxPlayer via adb - If connection failed, the instance will be close
- Connected to controller ui
- initiate - load account then stop and rerun brutal age game.
- starting - listen to logcat and wait until the game fully started
- when_start - perform checks to clear all popup modals
- city_work - perform tasks when inside the city
- world_map - perform tasks when outsite of the city in the world map.
- return to step 1
- Register click/scroll events use Event.Builder and place them under the src/events/register directory
- Consume the events in the src/events/handler directory. The handler is named based on the status of the game instance.
- All events are dispached through src/dispatcher/EventDispatcher class.
- Emulator screenshot
- OpenCV template matching
- Image to Text
- Access adb shell input api (click, scroll, etc)
- Access adb logcat and translate the info into actions
- Auto gather resources
- Auto transport resrouces
- Auto leveling
- Auto make troops
- Auto feed troops to temple