A tool for making and sharing game-ready spritesheets. Comes with a library of free sprites!
This software is in pre-release, though it's probably getting good enough to actually use now. If you're just looking to get down to business and have an easy-to-use, battle-tested program, be sure to check back later once the dust has settled a bit.
A pre-packaged Windows executable is available via the releases page; a Mac OS package will come eventually. If you want to run from source, you'll need: Python 2.7, NumPy, and PIL. New features, bugfixes, documentation, and art + spec contributions are welcome!
Sprite Magic has two purposes:
- To provide a tool which can bridge the gap between paperdoll-style artwork and game-ready spritesheets.
- To provide a library of free (libre) artwork which can be used in a game.
As a bonus, Sprite Magic can easily be used by artists to help preview animations when creating sprites.
Check out the wiki for more details.
The GPLv3 only applies to the code for this project itself. Free artwork provided on this project has a variety of licenses and attribution requirements, including: CC0 public domain, GPL, Creative Commons, and others. Please check the individual art directories for licensing and attribution.
A special thanks to Matthew Krohn for putting together the Universal LPC Spritesheet, which comprises the largest corpus of initial artwork used here.