Lualine theme for using with light and dark background.
No need to install this if you are using newpaper colorscheme for Neovim. Lualine theme was included into colorscheme. Just use this configuration to customize it.
- git native colors in status line
- light and dark theme
- integration to colorscheme with installation from newpaper.nvim
- Neovim >= 0.5.0
Install via your favorite package manager:
dependencies = {
-- light theme
options = {
theme = "newpaper-light"
-- empty with newpaper colosheme
-- dark theme
options = {
theme = "newpaper-dark"
-- empty with newpaper colorscheme
You can add this configuration for customize colors for git and diagnostics.
Available options:
Option | Default | Description |
newpaper_lualine_bold | true |
When true, section headers in the lualine theme will be bold |
-- Lua
vim.g.newpaper_lualine_bold = true --default
require("lualine").setup {
options = {
-- theme = "newpaper-dark",
theme = "newpaper-light",
-- empty with newpaper colorscheme
section_separators = {"", ""},
component_separators = {"│", "│"}
sections = {
-- GIT settings
lualine_b = {
{"branch", icon = ""},
colored = true,
diff_color = {
added = { fg = "#28A745" },
modified = { fg = "#DBAB09" },
removed = { fg = "#D73A49" }
symbols = {
added = " ",
modified = " ",
removed = " "
lualine_x = {
sources = {"nvim_lsp"},
sections = {"error", "warn", "info", "hint"},
diagnostics_color = {
error = { fg = "#AF0000" },
warn = { fg = "#D75F00" },
info = { fg = "#0087AF" },
hint = { fg = "#008700" }
symbols = {
error = " ",
warn = " ",
info = " ",
hint = " ",