Setting everyday's Bing wallpaper as the desktop wallpaper ( GUI and command line supported)
The main part of this program is
, if you don't need GUI or in other situation(like use crontab to update in regular time), you can use this file with Python3
## require python's module: argparse,requests
python3 [options]
-d specific your desktop environment's name,cinnamon,deepin,gnome,kde,mate,xfce only, welcome your PR for more desktop environment support.
-c custom command to update wallpaper,{{}}
must be added, and it will be replaced by the path name of image.
--auto auto detect your desktop environment and use proper command to update.ignored if -d option is added.
--random random image to update wallpaper instead of using the newest one.(You should make sure ~/BingWallpaper is not empty and contains at least one image file)
--silent no notification after updating successfull.
-baseurl to specific subdomain for for accident,ignored if --random option is added. , , , will be choosed automatically if you don't use this option. And this option's value must be in the above four url to avoid other unknown accident.
The GUI of this program is built with DTK (Deepin Tool Kit), if you don't need it, remove relavant code manually.
Ubuntu 18.04+, Linuxmint 19+, Deepin 15.9+ users are recommanded to install deb package in release branch to set wallpaper with the help of GUI.
All change must be committed in dev branch before PR, write commit log in English with concise and specific words.Add corresponding type:
feat: new feature
fix: bug fix
docs: documentation
style: code format ( changes that do not affect code operation )
refactor: refactoring ( i.e. code changes that are not new features or bug fixs )
test: add test case
chore: changes of the building process or tools
i.e. fix: case insensitive for -d option
sudo apt install qt5-default libdtkwidget-dev
cd BingWallpaper
sudo apt install build-essential devscripts ubuntu-dev-tools debhelper dh-make patch gnupg fakeroot lintian pbuilder