Displays info from USGS from a river monitoring station on an Adafruit MagTag. Not all stations provide the same data points.
Edit code.py to set the Station ID or IDs for a river and Parametrs.
StationID = ["14361500"]
or multiple sites/station IDs.
StationID = ["14361500","14158050"]
Some Parameters:
- 00010 temp c
- 00060 flow Cubic Feet per second
- 00065 gauge height in ft.
- list of all paramaters at https://help.waterdata.usgs.gov/parameter_cd?group_cd=%
- note: Sites will only have a few parameters to check USGS site for the avilable parameters for that site.
queryParams = "00060,00065,00010"
#Set convertTemptoF to true show fahrenheit.
convertTemptoF = False
convertTemptoF = True
Requires the following fonts in /fonts:
- Arial-Bold-12.pcf
- Arial-12.bdf
Requires the following libraries in /lib:
- adafruit_magtag
- adafruit_portalbase
- adafruit_io
- adafruit_display_text
- adafruit_bitmap_font
- adafruit_datetime
- adafruit_fakerequests
- adafruit_pixelbuf
- adafruit_requests
- neopixel
- simpleio