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0G Storage Client

Go implementation for client to interact with storage nodes in 0G Storage network. For more details, please read the docs.

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Following packages can help applications to integrate with 0g storage network:

  • core: provides underlying utilities to build merkle tree for files or iteratable data, and defines data padding standard to interact with Flow contract.
  • node: defines RPC client structures to facilitate RPC interactions with 0g storage nodes and 0g key-value (KV) nodes.
  • kv: defines structures to interact with 0g storage kv.
  • transfer : defines data structures and functions for transferring data between local and 0g storage.
  • indexer: select storage nodes to upload data from indexer which maintains trusted node list. Besides, allow clients to download files via HTTP GET requests.


Run go build under the root folder to compile the executable binary. There are several commands to interact with 0g storage node.

Global flags

Run ./0g-storage-client --help to view all available commands along with global flags:

      --gas-limit uint                Custom gas limit to send transaction
      --gas-price uint                Custom gas price to send transaction
  -h, --help                          help for 0g-storage-client
      --log-color-disabled            Force to disable colorful logs
      --log-level string              Log level (default "info")
      --rpc-retry-count int           Retry count for rpc request (default 5)
      --rpc-retry-interval duration   Retry interval for rpc request (default 5s)
      --rpc-timeout duration          Timeout for single rpc request (default 30s)
      --web3-log-enabled              Enable log for web3 RPC

Generate test file

To generate a file for test purpose, with a fixed file size or random file size (without --size option):

./0g-storage-client gen --size <file_size_in_bytes>

Upload file

./0g-storage-client upload --url <blockchain_rpc_endpoint> --key <private_key> --indexer <storage_indexer_endpoint> --file <file_path>

The client will submit the data segments to the storage nodes which is determined by the indexer according to their shard configurations.

Download file

./0g-storage-client download --indexer <storage_indexer_endpoint> --root <file_root_hash> --file <output_file_path>

If you want to verify the merkle proof of downloaded segment, please specify --proof option.

Write to KV

By indexer:

./0g-storage-client kv-write --url <blockchain_rpc_endpoint> --key <private_key> --indexer <storage_indexer_endpoint> --stream-id <stream_id> --stream-keys <stream_keys> --stream-values <stream_values>

--stream-keys and --stream-values are comma separated string list and their length must be equal.

Read from KV

./0g-storage-client kv-read --node <kv_node_rpc_endpoint> --stream-id <stream_id> --stream-keys <stream_keys>

Please pay attention here --node is the url of a KV node.


Indexer service provides RPC to index storages nodes in two ways:

  • Trusted nodes: well maintained and provides stable service.
  • Discovered nodes: discovered in the whole P2P network.

Please refer to the RPC API documentation for more details.

Besides, indexer supports to download files via HTTP GET request:


Note, user could specify name=foo.log parameter in GET URL to rename the downloaded file.