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Releases: 0n1udra/TenseiPy

v6.0 Alpha is here! Big QoS and bug fix update!

07 Jul 21:27
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This is a re-release of 6.0 Alpha because I found some more major bugs and fixed them.

  • Fixed bugs when player uses commands on game objects that shouldn't be allowed. e.g. using stats on items or attributes instead of just characters.
  • Added if statements in functions like inventory and attributes function so they only work with their corresponding game object types, e.g. add_inventory would break if you try adding anything else that wasn't a game item.
  • Please let me know of any bugs you may find, either through email or preferably GitHub issues.
  • In-game interface update for panels like inventory, stats, etc, etc.
  • Changed runtime argument format to fit better with GNU convention e.g. --noart vs -hideart.
  • Hardcore mode now disables game tutorial also now.
  • Cleaned sections of code to make it look better and simpler, updated more docstring and comments.
  • Fixed mimicry bug where you could mimic other game object other than just mobs acquired through predation.
  • New in-game command for checking reputations and listing subordinates.
  • Cleaned up reputation functionality, can now properly update reputations with factions.
  • Added add_subordinate('species', 'canon name', 'optionally set name') function. You can now let player give names and they will become your subordinates. To make things easy, you can set a default name (will be canon name from the story). Can also optionally set the level of new subordinate with this function. Note, do not give new_name argument if you want to allow player to set name.
  • New parse_name() function for storyline text, you can now use $NAME$ syntax in the print statements to have that part replaced with the corresponding name that the player has set, e.g. $Gobta$ will be replaced with whatever the player set. This makes it much easier to code storyline text.
  • Added ASCII art for Rigurd, Rigur, Gobta, and Ranga for naming section of story.
  • nearby command fixed.
  • New parse_input function to help extract components of user input for commands like craft and remove which needs item name and a integer.
  • Updated evolution info section for characters and skills. Instead of seeing the whole lineage, you will only see the parts you should know so far.
  • Titles update, can now have multiple titles and will show in info page and stats page accordingly.
  • Added new species, Slime, Tempest Wolf, Tempst Star Wolf, Hobgoblins, etc.
  • New skills, Investigator, and Shadow Step.
  • Revamped the imports, instead of using wildcard imports, now it fits more to the conventional guidelines.
  • Replacing set_status() with update_status('object', 'new status') function, update the .status variable of game objects (characters, items, skills). e.g. Passive, Active, Analyzing, etc.
  • Removed lname parameter for the Character object, and also updated all obejct's __str__ to return the name without .lower().
  • And of course some changes to the storyline, some parts have been rearranged and updated, storyline text updated, etc etc.

(Dev) 5.2 Alpha output, versioning update

11 May 21:08
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  • New release indicator, if the release has (Dev) in name, the update is more for developer QoS and will probably not have executables to download.
  • New -version runtime argument, shows version (and date). Also, the version will be shown in the start banner now too.
  • Furthering story of Direwolf attacking village.
  • Moved output and printing related functions to, includes funcs like dots, sprint, show_art, show_help, etc.
  • Also moved the function that shows available runtime arguments to and renamed from show_help() to show_sysargs().
  • New mob_reset() func, to clear active level mobs.
  • New x_ action naming functionality, if action has x_ or _x_ at the start of the name, this action will be disabled (unplayable) until enabled with a function like action_playable().
  • Renamed standing to reputation variable.
  • Fixed crafting command bug when inputting with 0. Would delete ingredients from inventory instead of canceling crafting.
  • Fixed string matching issues with mob_status() and set_targets() by using == instead of in.
  • Touched up /history game command.
  • New mob_list_adder() func, because lists like active_mobs and targeted_mobs contain sublists, which stores the game mob object and an integer (quantity of active mob). Used for checking if mob already exists in the targeted list before adding it, and can optionally just add to the quantity integer.
  • Can now update mob's is_alive variable with mob_status() function.
  • And ofc a bunch of other small tweaks here and there, renaming some variables, did some code refactoring and dialogue line spacing, and more.

5.1 Alpha ch0, mimic, object structure update

14 Apr 08:07
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Quality update.

  • Not much added to the storyline, but simplified and hopefully made learning the commands more intuitive.
  • Touched up and polished game functionality and looks.
  • Spaced out storyline text for easier reading.
  • Added ch0 for debugging purposes.
  • Changed how mimicry works. You have to mimic a monster to be able to use their abilities, later Rimuru will gain the ability to use any analyzed monstera ability without needing to fully mimic them.
  • Updated how item/skills/character classes work. No more need for __init__() for each individual object, better use of class Python class inheritance.
  • Updated Documentation and Story_layout file. Also, updated docstrings. Did some code refactoring (I'm not strictly following PEP8 guidelines, but I like the way it looks).
  • Polished, streamlined, and simplified big chunky but important functions like game_action (was action_menu), get_object, and some others.
  • Added and updated some runtime arguments. For example, -slime is for debugging purposes.
  • Added some new useful functionality like being able to check if the player played an action already, or make an action only playable once.
  • At startup (if no game save found) now alongside asking to enable/disable textcrawl effect, the game will now ask if player wants to show available playable actions now, instead of asking to show hints or now.

4.0 Alpha __subs, map, and more

24 Jan 02:43
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Lots of new changes!

  • Updated structure of how the storyline is coded. Added __subs list, which allows you to add alternative user inputs for the same action.
  • Major storyline changes, dialog changes, mechanic changes, and what order some sections playout have changed.
  • Updated look of most interface items, like stats, inv, acquisition messages, etc. And also updated how Action menu behaves.
  • Action menu is now by default disabled, so you don't exactly know what are the available actions. But they can be turned back on with menu on command. You 'should' be able to infer what to do and what other actions are available from the story. Also, if hardcore mode is active, the hints will be disabled along with menu, and not able to be turned back on until deactivated hardcore mode.
  • New menu, textcrawl, hints, hardcore commands to change game settings. Help command also updated, help settings shows those help commands I just listed. help level shows level chart and corresponding ranking. help shows everything else like inv, stats, craft, mimic, etc.
  • Chapter1 is now the cave section, and Chapter2 will start when you leave the cave. Chapter2 in the works, and still working out the kinks in Chapter1.
  • Started making classes for specific locations with relevant actions you want to add to a section. You can add extra actions to class by inheriting that location class. For example, cave_actions has eat_ore and eat_grass actions, instead of functions/classes for these actions over and over again for each section you want them to have them, just inherit cave_actions to the relavant classes. However if you override an existing action, you'll have to set the __subs list again, example __subs = cave_actions.__subs.
  • Fixed major bugs relating to mimicry, attack, targeting, item acquisition and usage, and more.
  • Craft command now able to take amount after item name, or you can just input item name to show recipe. 'craft full potion 10', vs 'craft full potion' than entering 10.
  • Water item added for use of Hydraulic Propulsion. Will probably make it so crafting Full Potion also uses water, later. Maybe like dilut
  • Touched up on how textcrawl works, and made it a bit faster.
  • Also added some stick figure text art, this is different from the ASCII art. You can't disable these, unlike the ASCII ones. They're small enough that they don't need to be.
  • I had some issues with PyInstaller tripping Windows Defender. If it does, then, don't run it. If you want to play the game and know how to run python, then download the source code itself.

(Dev) 3.2 Alpha QoS for dev update.

11 May 05:25
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QoS update. Hopefully, I made the code a bit simpler to understand and read. This codebase requires Python 3.8+ now. Still working on map functionality, but I think I figured out the foundation I would like to use in the future for upcoming abilities to go back to previously played areas and do extra things. All the systems are rudimentary right now, but I want to work on setting up a known code style and structure to make it easier for the future. I have big plans (vague, pipedream-ish) plans for this. For example, I want to have an open world aspect and world-building system to build and strengthen Tempest, just like in the anime/LN.
Not everything is fully tested, but all the important things (should) work, stats, skills, inventory, crafting, combat, map, mimicry, etc.

2.9 Alpha target, attack, and predate system.

11 May 05:09
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Big update.

  • New (still alpha) target, attack, and predate system
  • Continue to chapter 2 (manga, still in progress)
  • Better stats and info system for [Skills], items, and monsters

Please notify me of any issues or bugs.
Also, the story is not my main focus right now. Once I get the game mechanics down, I will focus more on the story and dialogue.

2.1 Alpha

11 May 05:31
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2.1 Alpha Pre-release
WORKING 2.1A. save function working. and cleaned up more code. remove…


removed to fix some import issues. refactored import code, so modules aren't import everything. to delete saved data delete player_save.p. removed t1-t6 sleep code, not totally hard codded though, still able to change in revamped debug functions too. Game asks you for text delay below banner now after showing stats and inventory.

2.0 Alpha

11 May 05:33
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2.0 Alpha Pre-release

Mac 2.0 Alpha

1.0 Alpha!

11 May 04:58
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1.0 Alpha! Pre-release
  • New sprint() function, instead of defining message delay with parameter, sprint will now set it based on inputted message string length.
  • New ASCII art, Rimuru gets and uses Magic Perception.
  • Rimuru gets to eat Veldora.
  • Added to and touched up storyline, and started working on chapter 2.

0.9 Alpha

11 May 05:30
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0.9 Alpha Pre-release

Win 09Alpha